SHNID 23418 Dinosaurs 1982-12-31
Oakland Auditorium, Oakland, CA

Summary (download all files)
Master AUD tape (Sony UCX-S 90 Metal, D-5 deck) > WAV > CDR > EAC > SHN

Textdoc (download)
Oakland Auditorium
Oakland, CA

Source: Master AUD tape (Sony UCX-S 90 Metal, D-5 deck) > WAV > CDR > EAC > SHN

01. Bill Graham Introduction / Who Makes The Moves?
02. One Way Out*
03. Got Love*
04. Promontory Rider*
05. I Can't Dance*
06. Save The Whales*+
07. Streetwise
08. Level With Me*
09. St. Louis Blues*
10. How Blue Can You Get?*^
11. San Francisco Shuffle*^=
12. D.I.N.O.S.A.U.R.*^=

  Line up : Robert Hunter  - vocals/guitar
            Barry Melton   - vocals/guitar
            John Cipollina - lead guitar
            Peter Albin    - bass/backing vocals
            Spencer Dryden - drums

    with special guests..

           * Nicky Hopkins  - Piano
           + Joe McDonald   - Lead vocals/guitar
           ^ Kathi McDonald - Vocals
           = Steve Douglass - Sax

Opening for the Grateful Dead on New Years Eve, the band shines greatly on this one! Many special guests make it even more appealling!

I transferred a master AUD tape, Sony UCX-S 90 Metal, for those counting. It is not mine, but recorded by a friend who gave it to me as a gift! I am sort of out of touch with this kind fellow, so I don't recall what type of mics he used for this, but the deck was a D-5.

With a little net research, I have discovered only one other source in cirrulation. According to someone that has heard them both is the other one has better sound on the instruments, but mine is better on the vocals. All in all, he gives mine a better rating, so this is the best in cirrulation.

One last note, I did no EQ'ing or editing. This is pure recording of what the twenty one year old tape sounds like. As you will hear, it is still in amazing shape!

Please enjoy and feel free to spread it far and wide!

Questions? Comments? Trade? Feel free to email me at (Tom S.)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Oct 18 2005 18:42:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jan 22 2022 12:55:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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