SHNID 23154 moe. 1999-03-12
The Fox Theater, Boulder, CO

Summary (download all files)
Matrix - SBD + AKG 414's; DAT (clone) > Panasonic 3700 > M-Audio Delta Dio 2496 > SoundForge 6.0 (fades) > CDWav > MKW > SHN; Transferred by Mike Niven; DAT provided by Patrick Smith

Textdoc (download)
March 12, 1999
Fox Theater
Boulder, CO

Source: Matrix - SBD + AKG 414's

Transfer: DAT (clone) > Panasonic 3700 > M-Audio Delta Dio 2496 > SoundForge 6.0 (fades) > CDWav > MKW > SHN

Transferred by Mike Niven ( DAT provided by Patrick Smith.

Disc One (*80 min CD required*)		(78:50)
Set I

01) tuning/banter			(01:30)
02) Seat Of My Pants*			(10:56)
03) Threw It All Away*			(05:50)
04) Timmy Tucker			(21:47)
05) Y.O.Y.				(08:13)
06) Time Again				(07:08)
07) Recreational Chemistry		(23:23)

Disc Two				(70:44)
Set II

01) banter/basket reading		(04:56)
02) 867-5309				(01:49)
03) Head				(16:05)
04) Don't Fuck With Flo			(18:02)
05) Yodelittle				(15:39)
06) Time Ed				(14:11)

Disc Three				(29:38)
Set II (cont.)

01) Cryptical Envelopment >		(01:55)
02) The Other One >			(12:28)
03) Moth reprise 			(08:36)


04) San Ber'dino 			(06:37)


The Disco Biscuits opened.
* Jim on drums, Vinnie on percussion.
"Moth reprise" completes 3/11 version.

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     1:49.07       19244108 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5238  moe1999-03-12d2t02.shn
    16:05.74      170400092 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5315  moe1999-03-12d2t03.shn
    18:02.21      190914236 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5354  moe1999-03-12d2t04.shn
    15:39.36      165724316 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4859  moe1999-03-12d2t05.shn
    14:11.06      150130556 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4964  moe1999-03-12d2t06.shn
     1:55.71       20453036 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5451  moe1999-03-12d3t01.shn
    12:28.47      132057788 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5651  moe1999-03-12d3t02.shn
     8:36.18       91064780 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5615  moe1999-03-12d3t03.shn
     6:37.74       70204892 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5807  moe1999-03-12d3t04.shn
   179:13.18     1896872284 B                            0.5283  (17 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.77 GB(1896872284 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Mar 30 2004 20:59:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Dec 28 2022 19:44:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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