SHNID 22768 Pearl Jam 1996-11-03
Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany

Summary (download all files)
SV050: 98Rock Tampa Promo CD > CDR > dEdit > FLAC (cuts in Promo CD patched with pre-FM (satellite) > DAT-M > DAT2WAV) (source includes post show DJ set)

Textdoc (download)
Pearl Jam
SV050 - "Ich bin ein Berliner"
November 3, 1996
Deutschlandhalle: Berlin, Germany

Show Source: 98Rock Tampa Promo CD > CDR > dEdit > FLAC (cuts in Promo CD patched with pre-FM (satellite) > DAT-M > DAT2WAV)
Aftershow Source: Pre-FM SBD > Promo CD > CDR > dEdit > FLAC

Digital Editing: Dan Leehr
Artwork: SF 2004

************  DO NOT CONVERT TO MP3 ************

           Pearl Jam Live Set 11/3/96
       Deutschlandhalle: Berlin, Germany
DISC ONE [75:11]
01. intro/JFK Speech
02. Long Road
03. Last Exit
04. Animal
05. Hail, Hail
06. Go
07. "Protect Your Neighbor"
08. Red Mosquito
09. In My Tree
10. Corduroy
11. Better Man
12. "Can't Find a Better Kitchen"
13. Lukin
14. Mankind
15. Hunger Strike (&)
16. Even Flow
17. Daughter/(Androgynous Mind)/(Noise of Carpet)
18. Jeremy
19. Sometimes
20. Rearviewmirror
21. Vocal improv
22. Immortal improv
23. Immortality

DISC TWO [45:50]
01. Alive
02. "Thank You, This Blood's for You"
03. Blood/(Fame)/(Suck You Dry)
04. Encore Break
05. Who You Are
06. State of Love and Trust
07. Not For You
08. "Serenading Radio Fritz"
09. Present Tense
10. "Let's Bring Out the Fastbacks"
11. Leaving Here (!)
12. Yellow Ledbetter

     Radio Fritz Interview with EV 11/3/96
 Post Checkpoint Charlie Berlin Radio Broadcast 
DISC THREE: [45:20]
01. "Get the Show On"
02. Pebbles (Shudder to Think)
03. "Fritz and Drugs and Rock and Roll"
04. Strength to Endure (The Ramones)
05. "The Lyrics of Lou Reed"
06. Sword of Damocles (Lou Reed)
07. "Media and Pride in America"
08. "Karma"
09. Sparks (The Who) {live from the Woodstock Festival, Bethel, New York on August 17, 1969}
10. "The Word Who"
11. Let Me Sleep (Pearl Jam)
12. "Hearing Voices"
13. Bee Girl (Pearl Jam)
14. "About the Bee Girl"
15. ??? (Howard Johnson & Gravity)

DISC FOUR: [50:41]
01. "Art"
02. "Fear"
03. "Full of Code"
04. Floored (Pusherman)
05. "Laughter"
06. Crystal Gypsy (Sebadoh)
07. "Overwhelmed"
08. "Commodities"
09. "The Pros and Cons of Stardom"
10. Jealous Guy (John Lennon)
11. "Thank You"
12. Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio? (The Ramones) {live, sounds like it is from "Greatest Hits Live" 1996}
13. outtro & Credits
14. Rockin' in the Free World (Neil Young & Pearl Jam) {live from the MTV Video Music Awards, Universal City, CA on September 3, 1993}

************  DO NOT CONVERT TO MP3 ************

(&) = Not played in full
(!) = Performed with members of the Fastbacks

		 Recording Notes
This is the best known source of this show. A preFM > DAT > SHN copy was recently circulated, falsely claiming the sound was far
superior than this promo CD.  However, even the most casual listening test proved that not to be the case. The preFM copies had
heavy filtering and compression on the signal, and as such, higher frequencies were filtered out. This Promo CD source clearly
sounded better; most notably the crispness of the vocals, drum beats, and guitars. The Encore Break and crowd noise before Long
Road have been patched in from a preFM > DAT master, for an uncut show, start to finish. The aftershow at the Fritz has been 
retracked from the original source.

		 Artwork Notes
The artwork included has been designed to fit a quad 4-cd "fat" jewel case, and art is even included to make a booklet. The 
components to the artwork are:

(1) Top Tray
Berlin96_top_tray_300: The top tray for the quad case.
Berlin96_inside_tray_300: The "inside" to the top tray above. Basically print the top tray image listed above, and then print this
inside tray on the flip side. If you aren't going to use a transparent quad case, you shouldn't print this side because it will not 

(2) Bottom Tray
Berlin96_tray_300: The bottom tray for the quad case.
Berlin96_inside_bottom_tray_300: The "inside" to the bottom tray above. Basically print the tray image listed above, and then print
this inside bottom tray on the flip side. If you aren't going to use a transparent quad case, you shouldn't print this side because
it will not show.

(3) Booklet Insert
Berlin96_Insert_Outside_300: This is the outside of the booklet. Think of this image as the cover to a book.
Berlin96_Insert_Inside_300: This is the flip side of the inside listed above. Print the image above first, and then this image on
the other side of the same piece of paper.

(4) Booklet Insert, Inside Pages
Berlin96_Insert_Page3and6_300: This can be viewed like a second insert, which is part of the insert booklet.
Berlin96_Insert_Page4and5_300: This is the flip side of the inside listed above. Once both sides of this part are printed, you
should staple down the middle this part with artwork piece (3) above to make a cool 8-page booklet.

(5) CD Labels
Berlin96_disc1_300: The cd label for disc 1.
Berlin96_disc2_300: The cd label for disc 2.
Berlin96_disc3_300: The cd label for disc 3.
Berlin96_disc4_300: The cd label for disc 4.

If you want to not use a quad case and instead want to use two standard 2-disc jewel cases, there should be enough artwork here to
allow you to split it up and divide it among the two if you wanted.

		  Show Notes
          (thanks to Five Horizons)
This show was broadcast by many radio stations around the world, opening with a recording of John F. Kennedy's famous speech ("I
am a Berliner"). After the first few songs, Ed asks, "How's everybody in Berlin tonight? For any of you are in the back and can't
see, it's pretty damn packed in front is everybody OK? ... Do yourselves and everyone else a favor and watch out for your neighbor
... protect the women and children" leading to 'Red Mosquito.' After 'Lukin,' Stone steps up and says, "Alright, I'm gonna sing one," launching 'Mankind.' 'Hunger Strike is a nice surprise, with the crowd loudly singing along. Ed has a nice intro for 'Blood:'
"Alright we'd like to say thanks, thanks for coming out, those of you lucky enough to get tickets ... We've had some interesting
shows in Germany ... I remember every one of them, for good and bad, but actually this show is on the radio tonight so a bunch of
other people were eavesdropping ... I fucked up quite a few times, thanks for covering up. This next song is called, 'I'll be glad
when you're dead and gone, you bastard you', or 'this blood's for you.'" The encore begins with Ed chatting, "Thanks, very much. I
don't know what to say so I'm just going to say, 'I am a donut.'" Later, Ed thanks Radio Fritz for playing "records that nobody
else would" and for broadcasting the concert. Then, "... and now, Mike and I would like to serenade you," leading to 'Present
Tense.' The band seems very ON and totally into this show, even if some of the songs seem to be played very fast. These radio
broadcasts are just the greatest! 
An "aftershow" known as "Radio Fritz" or "Checkpoint Charlie," similar to the Atlanta 94 radio show, broadcast only in Germany,
featured Ed playing music and chatting with fans about life.

This is being distributed by in tandem with, and is part of a series of the best Pearl
Jam shows in existance. 
If the artwork is not included, you can find it at

Compiled by Leehro on Feb. 2004. More notes by spacedvest on Feb. 2004.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Mar 09 2004 09:24:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Mar 09 2004 09:24:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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