Starlight, Fort Collins, CO

Summary (download all files)
Source: Matrix SBD + KU100 (on stage) > Allen & Heath 14:12:2 > P1 @44.1.
Lineage: Sony R300 > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge 5.0 > CDWAV. Taped by Kevin Browning and Collin Stevens. Transfered by Collin Stevens.

Textdoc (download)
February 4, 2004
The Starlight - Fort Collins, CO

...a team COmphreaks SHN

Source: SBD + KU100 -> Allen & Heath 14:12:2 -> P1 @44.1
Transfer: Sony R300 -> Audiophile 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 -> CDWAV
Taped by: Kevin Browning/Collin Stevens 

Disc 1 		 		 		 (65:31)
Set One:
01) Miss Tinkle's Overture* >	 		 (12:35) 
02) Anchor Drops >		 		 (06:38)
03) Bridgeless	 		 		 (10:13)
04) The Haunt >	 		 		 (07:29)
05) "Jimmy Stewart" 		 		 (07:19)
06) 40s Theme			 		 (09:02)
07) Shout at the Devil intro 	 		 (00:46)
08) Heart and Soul	 	 		 (03:49)
09) Ringo 		 	 		 (07:40)

Disc 2 (Requires 80M CDR) 	 		 (77:55)
Set Two: 
01) Nopener	 		 		 (02:48)
02) Nemo	 		 		 (04:53)
03) Hurt Bird Bath 		 		 (13:35)
04) The Stranger		 		 (06:14)
05) Utopian Fir > 		 		 (02:55)
06) Jazz Odyssey** >		 		 (05:08)
07) Utopian Fir > 		 		 (07:22)
08) Drums  	 		 		 (05:16)
09) Second Self	 		 		 (06:07)
10) Get in the Van 		 		 (08:30)
11) Push the Pig 		 		 (09:22)
12) Bright Lights, Big City***	 		 (05:45)

* w/ Nachos for Two teasing by Brendan
** w/ Nothing too Fancy jam
*** w/ Safety Dance tease
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Feb 14 2004 16:29:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Feb 14 2004 16:29:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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