Barrymore Theatre, Madison, WI

Summary (download all files)
"Headphone Concert"...In-House FM Broadcast > Sony FM Walkman > Sony D8 DAT > Sound Forge > WAV Files > SHN

Textdoc (download)
Flaming Lips
Barrymore Theater, Madison, WI
April 24, 2000

1. Intro - Race for the Prize 
2. Riding to Work in the Year 2025 
4. Feeling Yourself Disintergtate 
5. She Don't Use jelly 
7. Somewhere Over the Rainbow 
8. Lightning strkines the Postman 
9. Waiting For Superman 
10. What is the Light? 
11. When You Smile 
12. The Gash 

This is from one of their famed "Headphone Concerts"...In-House FM Broadcast >Sony FM Walkman >Sony D8 DAT >Sound Forge >WAV Files >SHN 

This is a very clean recording that sounds great. Enjoy!

ps. this is the tour for their brilliant Soft Bulliten CD.  The 2002 CD Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is even better!!!
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Dec 29 2003 20:32:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Dec 29 2003 20:32:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
499b4483c931aa7cfdc65d5b7522b8db *fl2000-04-24-08 Lightning strkines the Postman.shn
135afcac3713790887fd20c2d43ccbe3 *fl2000-04-24-11 When You Smile.shn
320d4d9212f442586bbec8440f185d7a *fl2000-04-24-12 The Gash.shn
7bfb9a633eb83f86f58f247f268f3dc6 *fl2000-04-24-10 What is the Light.shn
2d1ba4865eb3b5a87baac7030df50867 *fl2000-04-24-05 She Dont Use jelly.shn
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195d4a0c3b2c59b8b7ba0bce361ae08f *fl2000-04-24-07 Somewhere Over the Rainbow.shn
52e9bdf10446fe520fb32e02b76dae08 *fl2000-04-24-01 Intro - Race for the Prize.shn
0ba6b6c134bc51357a9642af7c5aac99 *fl2000-04-24-02 Riding to Work in the Year 2025.shn
ac269440b170b185f363ae868e20e5e2 *fl2000-04-24-04 Feeling Yourself Disintergtate.shn
a034bb871cc824da089bf4081c794c14 *fl2000-04-24-09 Waiting For Superman.shn

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