Jai-Alai Fronton, Miami, FL

Summary (download all files)
SBD, with patches (see updated info file for details, including about "blank" tracks); "painstakingly complete"
version assembled by J. Belkin; also see additional comments
from D. Sacks: contrary to original info file, primary SBD was not
subject to NR; report from Skank: only discs 1&2 were posted?
to abgd at first, fixed d3 before completing; to etree via A. Stern 2/2;
pre-fixed d3 may have been etreed earlier- note fixed d3 has 10 tracks

Textdoc (download)
updated info file below, followed by comments upon original, incorrect info file:

BAND Grateful Dead 
VENUE Jai-Alai Fronton 
CITY Miami 
DATE 6/23/74

[Additional note on disc assembly from Josh (more details below)]:
"Two tracks,  D1T3 and D3T1, don't have song titles. In the case of D1T3,
it's there so that the previous AUD/SBD mixed Ramble On Rose track is the
same length  (well, nearly so, I goofed slightly I guess) as the
straight-SBD RoR at the end of Disk three, so that purists can take out
the mixed RoR and swap in the straight-SBD one if they want to rearrange
the tracks on Disk1.  It was that or else make the straight-SBD RoR about
:58 longer. D3T1 mini-track is there so that I can have a proper track
marker at the start of Dark Star."

Source Lineage:
SBD>ReelM>DAT>CassetteM>DAT(3)>Prodif Plus card > Samplitude 2496 > Plextor 820 burner
 * AUD >?>FM>cassette>A/D: Panasonic 3700>Prodif Plus>Samp2496
      (Broadcast by WHRB-FM during Grateful Dead Orgy, early 1980's.)
** "Phil's Tape" SBD? >?>DAT(n) >Prodif Plus > Samp2496

Sound processing: 
 AUD source:         
Dehum, Denoise, Timestretched to match SBD speed
 "Phil's Tape" SBD:  Timestretched to match SBD speed

The "Phil's Tape" source is probably the one mentioned in www.deadlists.com,
   "made by Phil with mikes onstage", since the tape has no cuts.
The AUD source is probably the one mentioned in Taper's Compendium  Vol. 1: 
   Jerry Moore & Les Kippel ,  AKG D-200 mikes > Sony 152 deck

Mastered Dec '99/Jan '00 by Josh Belkin   josh-b@mediaone.net

Set One:                                                [68:37]
1.	 ...testing...this is a test... *                [1:43] 
2.	 Ramble On Rose  @                               [6:25]
3.	                                                 [ :58] 
4.	 Black Throated Wind                             [6:55] 
5.	 ...Bermuda Triangle microphone weirdness...  &  [3:45] 
6.	 Intro>                                          [ :55] 
7.	 Half-Step                                       [7:43] 
8.	 Beat It On Down the Line                        [4:00] 
9.	 Row Jimmy Row   **                              [7:56]
10.	 Jackstraw                                       [5:18]
11.	 Let It Rock                                     [4:12]
12.	 Cumberland Blues                                [6:11]
13.	 El Paso                                         [4:35]
14.	To Lay me Down                                   [7:59]

            * AUD        & about 20s in middle patched from AUD  
           @ mix of AUD + SBD sources until [2:13], then all SBD 
           ** last 35 sec. patched from the "Phil's Tape" source
Set One:                                              [52:02]
1.  Weather Report Suite Prelude >                     [1:39]
2.  Weather Report Suite Part 1 >                      [4:18]
3.  Let It Grow >    **                               [10:36]
4.  China Doll                                         [5:32]

Set Two:
5. Ship of Fools Instrumental Jam >                    [4:10]
6. Ship of Fools                                       [6:06]
7. Big River                                           [4:51]
8. Black Peter                                         [9:30]
9. Around and Around                                   [5:18]

** ~20 seconds missing from SBD were patched from "Phil's Tape"
Set Two, continued:                                   [73:28]
1.                                                    [  :14]
2.  Dark Star >                                       [17:33]
3.  Spanish Jam >                                      [4:16]
4.  U.S. Blues   **                                    [8:19]
5.  Uncle John's Band                                  [7:56]
6.  One More Saturday Night                            [5:29]
7.  e: Casey Jones                                     [6:41]

8.  Ramble On Rose - unprocessed AUD                   [8:01]
9.  Ramble On Rose - processed AUD                     [7:55]
10. Ramble On Rose - straight SBD                      [6:29]
        (not mixed with AUD, not Denoised)

** ~20 seconds missing from SBD were patched from "Phil's Tape"

additional comments from Darrin Sacks:
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 09:29:19 -0700
From: "Darrin N. Sacks" <DNSacks@usa.net>
To: etree@etree.org
Subject: [etree] Grateful Dead 6.23.74 - Patched has NO noise reduction


A newly circulating show has an erroneous info file attached to it --

Contrary to the statement in the info file accompanying the 6.23.74 patched
soundboard that is circulating, the primary soundboard source used for this
show (the SBD>ReelM>DAT>CassetteM>DAT(3)>) that was used for all but a few
short segments was NOT subject to noise reduction.  Although Josh, the guy
who performed the tremendous job of splicing in the cuts on the primary
soundboard from previously circulating audience and alternate soundboard
sources, did digitally process the alternate sources (he time aligned them
and denoised/dehummed them), he did not perform noise reduction on the
primary soundboard source that is circulating on the etree.

This misunderstanding occurred because Josh did perform noise reduction on
the primary soundboard source that he traded to a few of his friends.
However, we collectively decided that the version circulated on the etree &
on alt.binaries.gdead should not contain noise reduction -- and it does not.
Josh accidentally sent out cd covers to the etree and alt.binaries.gdead
seed sources for this show indicating that the primary soundboard source was
processed with noise reduction -- which it was not.

So, please disregard this annotation and don't pass up this gem of a show on
the mistaken understanding that it contains noise reduction.

While I'm on the topic, I should also point out that disk 3 of the show was
redone and re-seeded after its initial seeding to the etree.  The show
should not have been distributed prior to the updated disk 3's seeding, but
its easy to tell if you have the "correct" disk 3 -- it has ten tracks.
Disk 3 was reseeded because, after Josh initially distributed the show, we
discovered that there was a reel flip in the middle of US Blues.  On So Many
Roads, this reel flip was edited out by removing a chunk of the song (see
the liner notes).  On the re-seeded version, this 20 second gap (pretty
impressive timing for re-threading a reel-to-reel deck, imho), was spliced
in from what is believed to be a stage miced version recorded by Phil (the
prior version had a cut at this point).  This is the only difference.

That ought to do it -- given the recent thread regarding the "evils" of
noise reduction, I didn't want this amazing show & work of restoration to be
passed by.  My advice -- download and uncompress a track or 2 (Josh's
blending of the aud source with the sbd source on Ramble On Rose -- d1t1 --
is amazing, and the Dark Star -- d3t1 -- sounds fabulous and allows people
with SMR to compare this source's sound quality to the very same song on
SMR) and decide what to do from there.

Siteops hosting this show -- it would be nice if you modified the info file
to remove the erroneous noise reduction info.


Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
1/18/00, 2/2/00
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jul 03 2000 03:49:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Sep 22 2009 18:25:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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