SHNID 20050 Derek Trucks Band 2003-10-04
House of Blues, Orlando, FL
Summary (download all files)
Schoeps CCM4V cardioids> Schoeps K5LU XLR> Lunatec V3> Nuendo Audiolink 96 Multiset> Fujitsu P2120> WaveLab 4.01a; WaveLab 4.01a> CDWAV> mkwACT (Taped/Trnsfrd by Paul Chrostowski)
Textdoc (download)
Derek Trucks Band October 4, 2003 House Of Blues Lake Buena Vista, FL Source: Schoeps CCM4V cardioids > Schoeps K5LU XLR > Lunatec V3 (24b/96KHz) > Nuendo Audiolink 96 Multiset > Fujitsu P2120 > WaveLab 4.01a Location: 90? ORTF width 7' high, right of center just behind SBD Taper: Paul Chrostowski Conversion: Paul Chrostowski 10/5/03 WAV > SHN: WaveLab 4.01a (normalize, resample & Apogee UV22 HR dither) > CDWAV v1.71 > mkwACT 0.97b1 (no DAE) Disc One: 01: Intro - 00:22.49 02: Sahib Teri - 11:01.60 03: Gonna Move - 06:23.07 04: Like Anyone Else - 07:43.07 05: So Close, So Far Away - 05:45.11 06: Leavin' Trunk - 03:45.36 07: Angola - 05:47.44 08: Feel So Bad - 07:31.54 Total: - 48:20.43 Disc Two: 01: Going Down Slow - 09:06.07 02: For My Brother - 10:30.37 03: Pedro - 14:21.20 04: Volunteered Slavery - 06:55.32 ~~~Encore~~~ 05: Joyful Noise - 10:46.41 Total: - 51:39.62
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Created At
Sun Oct 19 2003 09:01:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Oct 19 2003 09:01:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
All (download)
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