Live on Penn, Washington, DC

Summary (download all files)
Master: MG M200>HOSA XLR Splitters>Apogee Mini-Me>M1

Conversion: M1>Zoltrix Nightengale Pro>Wavelab 4.0c>CD-Wave>flac

by: Daryan Lenz []

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler
August 16th, 2003
Live On Penn, Washington, DC

Source: Microtech Gefell M200(DIN, 90 degrees, 17 cm FOB, DFC, 9ft)->Canare StarQuad XLR->(HOSA XLR Splitters)->Apogee Mini-Me (16/48)->Sony M1

Transfer: Sony M1->Zoltrix Nightengale Pro->Wavelab 4.0c->cdwav->flac

Taped and transferred by:  Daryan Lenz,

Set 1

1. Fucked Run>
2. NY Prophesie>
3. Back In The Day
4. Let Her & Let Go
5. Mulling It over>
6. But Anyway
7. The One>
8. Crash Burn (1)->
9. Government Sucks*

+I included this to show what happened when the venue ran over curfew.  Capitol police came onto the stage as each band member ended with funny looks on their faces.  I think it really should be left intact to show what really went down.  In this case, the governemtn really screwed up.  It had been raining, I had already had gear soaked, and I was not pleased to have made the 1.5 hour trip for a 45 minute set.  Cheers to BT for sticking through it, and for a great, much needed summer run of shows!

Daryan Lenz (note new e-mail)
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Created At
Tue Aug 26 2003 00:16:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jan 12 2009 00:25:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

none (download)
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