The Stone Pony, Asbury Park, NJ

Summary (download all files)
Master: Elation KM201's>Lunatec V2>D8

Conversion: D8>U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3>AIFF>shntool

by Dave Mallick []

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler 
August 2nd, 2003
Stone Pony, Asbury Park, NJ

Master creation: 
Elation KM201's (card/XY)>V2>D8
by Dave Mallick [] 

SHNs were made: 
D8>Egosys U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3>shntool
by Dave Mallick [] 

CD 1 [69:48.57] (minutes:seconds.frames) 
01. Gotta Get Mean>                  [04:35.65]
02. Eventually>                      [03:21.69] 
03. Felicia                          [08:30.36] 
04. Let Her & Let Go>                [03:30.24] 
05. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly> [03:19.49] 
06. Run-Around>                      [02:45.19] 
07. Crash Burn                       [04:19.08] 
08. Conquer Me>                      [05:22.41] 
09. This Ache                        [05:08.05] 
10. All Hands>                       [04:35.59] 
11. The One                          [06:21.41] 
12. Just Wait>                       [05:56.26] 
13. Stumble & Fall                   [06:00.40] 
14. Love & Greed                     [06:01.25] 

CD 2 [61:46.25]
01. Regarding Steven>                [05:14.54]
02. Defense & Desire                 [04:35.15] 
03. Save His Soul>                   [05:52.61] 
04. All Hands                        [06:58.16] 
05. Mulling It Over>                 [08:21.21] 
06. Slow Change>                     [07:06.50] 
07. Run-Around                       [02:38.65]
08. Brother John                     [13:49.32] 
09. E: Dropping Some NYC             [02:50.60] 
10. Back In The Day                  [04:18.26] 

Recording notes:
- Right-channel issues around 0:08 of d1t05; I copied the left
  channel and pasted over the right so it will sound mono for
  those two seconds.
- Tick at 0:10 of d2t09, on master.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Aug 18 2003 21:57:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 25 2007 10:42:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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