SHNID 18756 Zero 1995-11-03
Sweetwater Saloon, Mill Valley, CA

Summary (download all files)
Source: AUD>Nak 700 mics in hat; 2-3 tables back>Sony D7>DAT @ 48K

Textdoc (download)
Zero 1
Mill Valley CA

Source: AUD>Nak 700 mics in hat; 2-3 tables back>Sony D7>DAT @ 48K

Played DAT on Sony PCM-R500 through Zefiro ZA2 digital sound card (resampled to 44.1K) and recorded to hard disk. Sound Forge used for minor edits, raising overall levels, and track markers. Burned to CD using CDRWIN. SHN files created using mkwACT and SHN discs burned using CDRWIN.

Disc 1 - Set 1

1.  Crowd/Tuning
2.  Afro Blue
3.  Cissy Strut
4.  Pits Of Thunder
5.  Catalina

Disc 2 - Set 2
1.  Crowd/Tuning
2.  Anorexia
3.  Horses >
4.  Highway 61
5.  End Of The World Blues
6.  Gregg's Eggs

Disc 3 - Set 3
1.  The Weight
2.  Chance In A Million
3.  Richie's Rooster
4.  Use Me Up
5.  Mercury Blues
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Aug 03 2003 21:15:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Aug 03 2003 21:15:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
af502b1740cf013d240afbf34b26123a *Zero95-11-03d1t01.shn
458f0a4af6d3abab9e73a3b041d986ce *Zero95-11-03d1t02.shn
0ca127855cc508dd0288413679fd624d *Zero95-11-03d1t03.shn
7908144f02909a7ad99f49e622578234 *Zero95-11-03d1t04.shn
12971fecf9d6c7246242877ae05faa3e *Zero95-11-03d1t05.shn
d2 (download)
78b3756e7d7d2df23b43c4ecd4d97427 *Zero95-11-03d2t01.shn
4f7e64d9cdfb3fc808435cd6523e3078 *Zero95-11-03d2t02.shn
4c73285c6bdc7dc9d02dcb8244250eb8 *Zero95-11-03d2t03.shn
69f6c7a51a7d4afc2afc23d16437dce1 *Zero95-11-03d2t04.shn
00ca2c58026dd992b528f9800d856364 *Zero95-11-03d2t05.shn
bf9126b03cd7eff06c8e8b9b79c4067b *Zero95-11-03d2t06.shn
d3 (download)
d3ec5df6e29ab27316811638a1c789c9 *Zero95-11-03d3t01.shn
b91ea882de1b625df49c9d8f000e2832 *Zero95-11-03d3t02.shn
d95d3cfb172f142437534203e18bf5a2 *Zero95-11-03d3t03.shn
86ae129d0ca1274fed677dfa2ecd5449 *Zero95-11-03d3t04.shn
0cf198a352823517651d1060311e86da *Zero95-11-03d3t05.shn

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