Polaris Amphitheatre, Columbus, OH

Summary (download all files)
Source: Schoeps ccm4 > Sonosax sxm2 > Apogee ad1000
section 2, row N, seat 19
Adam Gross

Conversion: Tascam da20 > Emagic Audiowerk2
Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
Louie Rendek

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
June 18, 1996
Polaris Amphitheater
Columbus, OH

Source:		Schoeps ccm4 > Sonosax sxm2 > Apogee ad1000
		section 2, row N, seat 19
		Adam Gross

Conversion:	Tascam da20 > Emagic Audiowerk2
		Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
		Louie Rendek <ljr7@yahoo.com>

Disc One:  

01:		Intro				-	01:57.40
02:		Best Of What's Around		-	06:05.10
03:		Recently			-	08:16.62
04:		Lie In Our Graves		-	07:16.61
05:		Two Step ->			-	07:36.03
06:		Crash Into Me			-	08:29.74
07:		Satellite			-	05:53.24
08:		Rhyme And Reason		-	06:18.09
09:		Say Goodbye			-	08:26.47
10:		What Would You Say		-	06:17.24
11:		Too Much			-	04:55.30

Total:						-	71:33.09

Disc Two:  

01:		True Reflections		-	07:36.59
02:		#41				-	07:19.32
03:		Dancing Nancies ->		-	07:54.68
04:		Toy Soldiers ->			-	03:38.36
05:		Warehouse			-	09:04.37
06:		Ants Marching			-	13:31.63
07:		E:  Drive In Drive Out #	-	07:34.58
08:		E:  All Along The Watchtower $	-	11:27.58

Total:						-	68:08.36

#	with Leon Mobley from The Innocent Criminals on percussion.
$	with Ben Harper on guitar.

*	There is a very slight click at 1:16 in Crash Into Me.
	This was on the DAT and no edit was done to this spot.
*	There is a weird sound 0:08 into Nancies.
	This was on the DAT and no edit was done to this spot.
*	There is a cut between the end of Nancies and Toy Soldiers.
	I had two other DATs for this show and one set of CDs for
	this show, all with the same flaw.  The best I could do
	here was to do a fade out in Nancies and fade into Toy.
	Jeff Travitz informed me that he was taping with Adam and
	Adam's batteries ran out on his A/D converter.

*  compiled by Louie Rendek <ljr7@yahoo.com> on January 1, 2003.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Jul 18 2003 12:23:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jul 18 2003 12:23:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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