Lakewood Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA

Summary (download all files)
Source: AKG 224 > DAT

Conversion: Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking
Louie Rendek

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
July 22, 1995
Lakewood Amphitheatre
Atlanta, GA

Source:		AKG 224 > DAT

Conversion:	Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
		Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking
		Louie Rendek <>

Disc One:

01:		Intro				00:43.71
02:		Don't Burn The Pig ->		04:56.41
03:		Warehouse ->			08:02.66
04:		Typical Situation		10:08.60
05:		Tripping Billies		05:10.25
06:		Lover Lay Down			07:09.25
07:		Satellite			04:58.36
08:		Dancing Nancies			09:38.42
09:		Say Goodybe			08:17.24

Total						59:06.15

Disc Two:

01:		Jimi Thing			13:09.49
02:		41 Police (early #41)		05:16.21
03:		Recently (on broadway, some do)	10:36.20
04:		Two Step ->			06:52.26
05:		Ants Marching			07:11:29
06:		encore intro			01:31.24
07:		E:  I'll Back You Up		05:34.28
08:		E:  All Along The Watchtower #	14:43.08

Total						64:54.55

#	Stairway to Heaven tease.

*	There was a 0.020 second spot of diginoise in the right
	channel at 1:01 in Pig.  0.100 seconds of audio from the
	left channel was cut and paste to fix this.
*	Levels decreased in Typical.
*	Levels increased end of Say Goodbye.
*	There is a pop 00:12.80 into Two Step and it sounds
	like a PA problem.
*	There was a 0.010 second spot of diginoise in the right
	channel at 2:06 in Two Step.  0.400 seconds of audio
	from the left channel was cut and paste to fix the problem.
*	IBYU was seriously foobared.  I went through 6-8 different
	DAT tapes from different traders and they all had the same
	errors in IBYU.  Luckily, George Wang had the magical DAT
	that I needed.  His was missing the beginning of the show,
	but had a clean IBYU.  His was listed "DAUD".  Upon
	inspection, I found that his source was the same, based on
	the fact that the clips in Watchtower were the same as in
	the sources I had already.  I spliced in the end of the show
	(from the point of the encore intro on) from his source,
	so everyone should thank George Wang heavily!
*	There are some clips in one channel during AATW.  
*	Levels decreased toward end of Watchtower.
*	One of the craziest Watchtower versions I have ever heard.

*  compiled by Louie Rendek <> on October 27, 2001.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jul 17 2003 10:44:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jan 11 2008 12:14:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

dmb1995-07-22d1.MD5 (download)
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dmb1995-07-22d2.MD5 (download)
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a55e2d7c85ab5a4e0774a7c249c7a382 *dmb1995-07-22d2t08.shn

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