Kuumbwa Jazz Center, Santa Cruz, CA

Summary (download all files)
Nakamichi CM300 > SBM-1 > Sony D8; Transfer: Unknown

Textdoc (download)
Yonder Mountain String Band
Kuumbwa Jazz Center
Santa Cruz, CA

Source: Nakamichi CM300's onstage (XY coincident) > Sony SBM-1 > D8.

2 discs
** disc 2 requires an 80-min disc!**

Disc 1:
1.  Shady Grove > Jam > Shady Grove
2.  Leaving
3.  Mothers Only Son
4.  Steam Powered Aeroplane
5.  Country Boy Rock-n-Roll
6.  If I Lose
7.  Goin Up
8.  Walking Shoes Dont Fit Me Anymore
9.  Keep On Going >
    New Speedway Boogie >
    Spoonful >
    New Speedway Boogie >
    Other One tease >
    Keep On Going
10. Dont Let That Deal Go Down

Disc 2:
1.  8 Cylinders
2.  Mental Breakdown
3.  High On A Hilltop
4.  End Of The Day
5.  On The Run 
6.  Hit Parade of Love
7.  Whitehouse Blues
8.  Groundspeed
9.  My Gal
10. Reuben & Cherise >
    New Horizon
11. Darling Alalee
12. Ill Stay Around

Review from the seeder as posted to bluegrassbreakdown@egroups.com:

From: Brad Burleson  <bluegrassbrad@h...>
Date: Sat Jul 15, 2000 1:17am
Subject: YMSB 7/6/00 Review

Hey now, hope everyone is doing good and getting enough of what you need. I 
wanted to tell yall about a very special show I was privilidged to attend 
the other night here in Santa Cruz. First off I must tell you that I am a 
BIG YMSB head. I caught em for the first time late last year and they 
knocked my socks off. I haven't looked back since. I had just finished 
seeing Widespread Panic's 3 night run at Redrocks in Colorado and than a 
four night run up of more Panic at the Warfield Theater in San Fran.By the 
way, Jorma took the stage with them during the third set of the Forth of 
July show. They played a mean "Bowlegged Woman" a beautiful "Genesis" with 
John Bell (Of WSP) and Jorma trading off vocals. Jorma than came back out 
for the "Chilly Water > One Kind Favor > Chilly Water" encore. John Bell 
will be doing a solo show at the Planet Salmon event in September. YMSB 
will be there as well. SO will I if my car, my cash, and my brain all hold 
out. I also caught a Slip show here in Santa Cruz. So I was riding high and 
very excited to see the YMSB here in Santa Cruz again. The show took place 
at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center downtown. I didnt really see much advertisement 
for the show (foreshadowing) and only knew about it because I keep up with 
YMSB and their dates. This is a room designed for live jazz (and they get 
world class musicians there all the time) that has awesome acoustics and 
seats about 100 folks. My girlfriend and I arrived at the door about an 
hour early so as to get the best seat for taping, as there are only a couple

(She understands my taping mania and luckily is nice enough to tolerate such

things. Plus she loves the tapes). We talked to Jeff, the Mando player and 
singer, for awhile as we nibbled on some Burritos. He said they once again 
had a blast at HSMF and loved playing in Northern Cali. I noticed that there

was only a single large diaphragm mic onstage. He said the sound was so 
good and the room small enough that they were going to play unplugged. My 
bluegrass nerve immediately set to jumpin' and I knew we were in for it. The

doors opened at 8:00 and there wasnt really anyone there yet. I sashayed in 
and after a discussion with Dave the soundguy I set my rig up onstage right 
in front of their mic. well it gets around to showtime and I look around 
and there are only about 12 people there. Every other time YMSB has played 
in Santa Cruz it was packed. Well the best that I can figure is that High 
Sierra (who was promoting the show) must have had their hands too full, 
because No one knew about the show. I didnt hear anything or see anything 
in the paper till right before the show. Plus the only way to buy a ticket 
was through High Sierra since Kuumbwa only sells tickets for Jazz shows. I 
had tried to buy tickets for a few days by calling High Sierra (I had known 
about the show for awhile due to really keeping up with what the YMSB are up

too) but there was never anyone at the office. So anyone who tried to get a 
ticket till the day of (maybe the day before, I didnt try that day) couldnt.

So I was thinking "Damn, the band is going to be very dissapointed, play a 
quickie and then get the hell out of here". Well Ben (the bass player comes 
out and chats a little and begins to tune, Adam the guitar player wanders 
out a little bit later and begins to tune. Jeff and Dave amble out and they 
begin to talk to us and seem to be having fun. In between every song they 
would laugh and joke with us and after a bit it began to feel like we were a

group of aquaintances in someones living room, having a little party. After 
a couple of songs Ben talked about how stoked they were to do such an 
intimate show. Just like when they used to play for their friends in 
Boulder. They really prefer to play unamplified and were very happy that 
was the case at the Kuumbwa. Here is the Setlist:

Shady Grove >
Jam >
Shady Grove
Mothers Only Son (A song which Ben sings and one I really like)
Steam Powered Aeroplane (gotta love ol' John Hartford)
Country Boy Rock-n-Roll
If I Lose
Goin Up
Walking Shoes Dont Fit Me Anymore

(NOW - here is where it gets really tight!)

Keep On Going >
New Speedway Boogie >
Spoonful >
Other One tease >
Keep On Going

At this point my jaw was on the floor. Throughout the above jam they were 
just staring at each other, playing a game. Kinda Like "Guess what Im gonna 
do now" Totally unplanned and way Hot!

Dont Let That Deal Go Down
8 Cylinders (Sally Van Meter tune which they do wonderfully. Love those 
vocal harmonies)
Mental Breakdown
High On A Hilltop
End Of The Day
On The Run (another favorite of mine)
Hit Parade of Love
Whitehouse Blues (Which they played in a minute and forty seconds...I timed 
it. After it was over the band all promptly collapsed to the floor and 
declared that it was nappy time)
Groundspeed (woohoo!)
My Gal
Reuben & Cherise >
Rain Pouring Down (Beautifully sung by Jeff. I loved it when Jerry did it 
and I love it when these guys do it too)
E: Ill Stay Around

Show clocked in at 2 and a 1/2 hours of almost nonstop music. They took 
requests from the audience all night. I got all mine in a lump together. 
On The Run, Hit Parade Of Love (I asked for a Jimmy Martin tune), Whitehouse

Blues, Groundspeed, and Reuben & Cherise. when the show was over the total 
number in attendance had grown to 18. We were all drinking, dancing in the 
aisles and generally having a hell of a time together. The band than went 
outside where we all shared some Northern California hospitality. Jeff then 
runs inside, grabs his mando, and runs to the bar acroos the parking lot to 
jam with a local bluegrass band for a bit. All of us pile into this bar and 
the fun continues. This was truely a special night. One of my better 
bluegrass experiances (and Ive had alot of em). Well anyways If you 
suffered through this far you must want to hear it. Ill take a few for B&P 
or trade (would love more YMSB) of this fine gem. This is DAT only. Dont 
worry, There is already a copy of this speeding its way via USPS to one of 
our partners in crime here on the list who can do a DAT>CDR transfer. It 
fits on one 90m. Source info: Nakamichi CM300's onstage (XY coincident) > 
Sony SBM-1 > D8. I encourage everyone who is accepted to try to offer this 
up in some format. Im pretty sure the culprit doing the DAT>CDR will make an

offer (im not going to "out" him as he may be too busy right now and I diont

want to put him on the spot). I will as well when I get my CDR clones from 
him. Everyone be good and go out a check the YMSB when it comes your way. 
Look for more offers from us as I have been taping like mad. Cant wait for 
LKE here in Santa Cruz. This is there first venture into these parts (If Im 
not mistaken) so all you Northern Cali folk go check their website ( 
http://www.larrykeel.com )and than go catch em in action. Havent seen them 
in awhile and thats a damn shame cause they rock! (or Grass! if you prefer) 
So go see them as well!
Props from the Cruz

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Dec 27 2002 17:28:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Dec 27 2002 17:28:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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