Prochnow Auditorium, Flagstaff, AZ

Summary (download all files)
Jon O SBD mix > Tascam DA-P1 Transfer: Tascam DA-P1 > ZA2 > Soundforge > CDWAV > .shn

Textdoc (download)
String Cheese Incident
Prochnow Auditorium 
Flagstaff, AZ

Source: Jon'O SBD mix > DA-P1
Transfer: Tascam DA-P1 > ZA2 > Soundforge > CDWAV > .shn seed by Mark Huisman:

Info file updated on 7/18/01 by
Added disc and track times.

1.  Remington Ride				  <05:14>
2.  Got What He Wanted >			  <11:22>
3.  MLT						  <09:38>
4.  Gone So Long				  <05:10>
5.  Work					  <04:37>
6.  Round the Wheel >				  <13:31>
7.  Stir it Up >				  <06:41>
8.  Jam >					  <07:53>
9.  Ramblin' Man				  <07:34>

	Total Disc 1:				  <71:40>

1.  Texas >					  <21:08>
2.  Jellyfish >					  <09:55>
3.  Come as You Are > Love Supreme Jam > CAYA 	  <13:42>
4.  I've Just Seen a Face			  <06:28>
	Total Disc 2:				  <51:13>

1.  Rhum 'n' Zouc				  <11:26>
2.  Jam 					  <05:51>
3.  Black Clouds				  <14:21>
4.  Jam 					  <07:02>
5.  Lester Had a Coconut			  <07:00>
6.  Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother		  <07:38>
7.  Big Scotia					  <04:19>
8.  Southbound					  <04:09>

	Total Disc 3:				  <61:46>

Set 1: Remington Ride, Got What He Wanted > MLT, Gone So Long, Work, 
       Round the Wheel > Stir It Up > Ramblin' Man 

Set 2: Texas, Jam > Jellyfish > Come As You Are > A Love Supreme Jam > 
       Come As You Are, I've Just Seen A Face, Rhum 'n' Zouc > 
       Black Clouds 
Encore: Lester had a Coconut, Up Against The Wall Redneck Mother, 
        Big Sciota, Southbound
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
ford prefect
Created At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:11:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:11:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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