Tipitina's, New Orleans, LA
Summary (download all files)
AKGc1000s > Denecke AD-20 > Sony TCD-D100 ** This source has sectory boundary errors. **
Textdoc (download)
Les Claypool and the Fearless Flying Frog Brigade 2003-05-04 New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's AKGc1000s > Denecke AD-20 > Sony TCD-D100 Location: Front Row, T-bar on the rail Recorded, transfered, and encoded by toaster (pgm2007@rit.edu) Disc 1: 01) Shine On You Crazy Diamond 17:27 02) David Makalaster I 14:19 03) Long in the Tooth 05:54 04) Precipitation # 10:38 05) Wynona's Big Brown Beaver # 11:13 06) Roof 07:49 Total Time: 67:20 Disc 2: 01) Highball with the Devil > 06:49 02) Drums > 12:42 03) Jerry was a Racecar Driver Tease > Rapper's Delight Tease > 04:45 04) Highball with the Devil % 12:10 05) Buzzards of Green Hill 06:21 06) Intruder 07:45 07) 2000 Light Years > A Passage for Bangkok Tease > Cygnus X-1 Tease > 2000 Light Years 22:31 Total Time: 73:03 Disc 3: 01) D's Diner $ 14:38 02) Granny's Little Yard Gnome 05:35 03) Lights in the Sky 18:11 04) Taxman 15:23 Encore: 05) Whamola 07:54 Total Time: 61:41 # - with Mike Gordon on Bass % - with Jessica Lurie on Saxaphone ^ - with Bongo and Accordian player from the opening act $ - another drummer finishes the song midway through for Paulo
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Created At
Tue Jul 01 2003 11:19:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 01 2003 11:19:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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