Broome County Arena, Binghamton, NY

Summary (download all files)
Primary source: SBD > Cassette master > Dats > CDR > SHN. Patch source: FOB Sennheuser 421s > Sony D5 > DAT > CDR. via drgseeds; upgrade in circulation

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Broome County Arena 
Binghamton N.Y.
April 12, 1983

Lineage: SBD > Cassette master > Dats > CDR > SHN
         FOB Sennheuser 421s > Sony D5 > DAT > CDR    
Disc 1

                   Set 1

1)Alabama Getaway->                    4:57.23
2)Greatest Story                       4:13.17
3)Bird Song                            8:03.47
4)Minglewood Blues                     8:11.07
5)Peggy O                              6:51.74
6)Cassidy                              6:42.13
7)Loser                                7:20.09
8)All Over Now                         9:36.40
9)Dupree's Diamond Blues               5:11.23
10)Let IT Grow                        12:30.66

Total Time                            73:38.19

Disc 2

                   Set 2

1)Help on the Way->                   4:58.43
2)Slipknot->                          6:33.14
3)Franklins Tower                    11:51.66
4)Lost Salior->                       7:24.12
5)Saint of Circumstance->             8:04.63
6)Terrapin Station->                 11:45.40
7)Drums->                             9:23.32

Total Time                           60:01.43

Disc 3         

                Set 2 cont.

1)Space->                             9:07.16
2)The Other One->                     9:52.44
3)Wharph Rat->                        9:21.51
4)Not Fade Away->                    10:35.46

5)Baby Blue->                         7:21.52
6)Not Fade Away                       1:02.45

Total Time                           47.21.29

I was very excited to see the PCM seed for this show at etree back on 6-12-02.  
Unfortunately the etree seed was not a pure digital SBD.  There is obvious hiss
on the quite portions in between songs.  This was the first dat I got way back 
1989 and was labeled as dat of cassette master.  I compared wavs from my dat to 
the wavs from the etree PCM seed the sound and is almost identicle.  Fortunately 
my tape had drums and space in their entirety and had no diginoise.  So I decided 
to redo the show using my SBD dat and the etree audience seed for patching.  This 
seed is the result.  My tape did suffer from most of the of the level drops in the 
right channel the previous sbd seed had and I fixed them the same way by replacing
 the right channel with the left in effect making those portions mono.  Dupree's 
did not have the drop out the previous seed did.  I also made many patches whith 
the audience recording they can be found on the following tracks.

d1t01        00:00.00    -->   00:10.70
d1t06        05:49.35    -->   06:42.18
d1t07        00:00.00    -->   00:01.23
d1t08        00:00.00    -->   00:12.81
             08:21.22    -->   09:36.53
d1t09        00:00.00    -->   00:03.20
             04.37.95    -->   05:11.23
d1t10        00:00.00    -->   00:16.60
             12:19.05    -->   12.30.66
d2t01        00:00.00    -->   00:52.23
d2t03        11:06.43    -->   11:51.66
d2t04        00:00.00    -->   00:03.42
d2t07        00:03.20    -->   00:29.94
d3t01        00:28.85    -->   00:31.20  

Please don't let all theses patches scare you off, most will go unnoticed.  This 
is a great show!  I believe this is probably the best SBD version of this show 
out there and is a definate up grade from the previous SBD seed because it is a 
more complete SBD and also has patches.  If any one has a better copy please get
it out there.  I would love to get an even better version.  As always a big thanks
to my friend Bob Harrell for getting me both of the etree seeds Rob Eaton for 
the SBD dat and for making the great audience recording.  No noise reduction of 
any kind was used in the production of these discs.  Any questions or 
comments please feel free to contact me at
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun May 18 2003 02:13:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Sep 24 2009 06:05:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

shn-md5 (download)
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