Summer Jam, Charlotte, NC

Summary (download all files)
Taper: Simon Williams
Source Info: ASBD

Conversion: Sarah Baucco
Analog > DAT: Nakamichi DR-1 > Tascam DA-20
DAT > SHN: Tascam DA-20 > Audiowerk2 > Cool Edit Pro 2.0 > CDWAV > mkw Audio

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
Summer Jam
Charlotte, NC
July 23, 1994

Taper:		Simon Williams
Source Info:    ASBD

Conversion:	Sarah Baucco
Analog > DAT:	Nakamichi DR-1 > Tascam DA-20
DAT > SHN:	Tascam DA-20 > Audiowerk2 > Cool Edit Pro 2.0 > CDWAV > mkw Audio                                          Compression Tool

                          PRESERVE THE QUALITY
                          DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3

Track 	|		Name			|	Time (m:s)
d1t01		Best Of Whats Around #	                07:06
d1t02		Satellite $		                06:17
d1t03		Tripping Billies $		        04:17
d1t04		Say Goodbye +			        05:52
d1t05           Jimi Thing =                            09:03
d1t06           Rhyme and Reason                        05:57
d1t07		Minarets @                              07:48

d2t01		Lover Lay Down @*                       06:16
d2t02		Dancing Nancies *		        07:40
d2t03           Warehouse                               09:07
d2t04           Ants Marching			        06:31
-- Encore -- 
d2t05           Recently ^                              11:58
d2t06           All Along The Watchtower % ^            04:49

During Ants Marching Dave mentions that there were technical difficulties throughout the show.  I annotated the areas that were affected by these difficulties. 

# Noticable sound adjustment at the beginning.  This is due to the taper adjusting levels.  Best Of Whats   Around starts abruptly.
$ Drop out at the end of Satellite - fade out applied.  Fade in applied to Tripping Billies.
+ Slight static from the 05:14 to the 05:17 mark of Say Goodbye.
= Slight static in the beginning of Jimi Thing.  There are also drop outs at the 04:06 and 08:31 marks.
@ Drop out at the very end of Minarets - fade out applied - fade in applied to Lover Lay Down.
* There was a tape flip after Lover Lay down - fade out applied.  Fade in applied before Dancing Nancies     also due to the tape flip.
% Taper ran out of tape - All Along The Watchtower ends abruptly - fade out applied.
^ Edwin McCain guests on vocals.


Compiled By Sarah Baucco on May 13, 2003
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri May 16 2003 16:02:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri May 16 2003 16:02:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

dmb1994-07-23d1.md5 (download)
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dmb1994-07-23d2.md5 (download)
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