Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA
Summary (download all files)
Lineage: S:MR>Cass>DAT>PCM>DAT>CD, w/ patches from S:MR>R>R>DAT copy. Remastered, transferred to CD, and encoded to SHN by David Hollister
Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead Long Beach Arena Long Beach, CA 12/15/72 Lineage: S:MR>Cass>DAT>PCM>DAT>CD * = w/ patches from S:MR>R>R>DAT copy Disc 1 / Set 1: //Promised Land Sugaree Black Throated Wind Tennessee Jed El Paso Ca//ndyman (cut @ 3:00) Big River China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider Box of Rain Mexicali Blues Brown-eyed Women Disc 2: Beat It On Down the Line Loser Playin' In The Band Casey // Jones Set 2: //Greatest Story Ever Told Deal Me & My Uncle Disc 3: He's Gone Truckin' > Jam > Dark Star > Morning Dew Sugar Magnolia E: Johnny B. Goode Notes: This show is a major train wreck. The currently circulating copy suffers from being too fast as well as numerous cuts, dropouts, and diginoise. I obtained a copy on DAT that was labeled "R2>D". That copy had its own set of problems including being too fast. Fortunately, the pitch at the beginning of this copy seemed correct, and so that speed was used as a baseline to speed- correct this copy. There were also patches from that DAT to either remove spots of diginoise or to fill in cuts made at the following locations: d1t3 5:46 - 6:14 d1t4 0:39 - 0:41 d2t1 3:24 - 3:27 d2t2 1:30 - 1:32 d2t3 2:16 - 2:50 6:29 - 6:50 d2t4 2:13 - 2:24 2:45 - 2:58 3:04 - 3:11 3:28 - 3:29 3:35 there is a cut -- The alternate copy did have about 15 seconds more material, but since there was still a cut, I didn't bother to patch. d3t5 9:01 - 9:34 d3t7 1:11 d3t7 1:13 d3t7 2:36 - end of the show Overall, there are still a few minor spots of noise here and there, but I think this is a definite improvement over the current copy. Remastered, transferred to CD, and encoded to SHN by David Hollister 3/5/03. Enjoy!
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue May 13 2003 01:54:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Sep 22 2009 17:29:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn-md5 (download)
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