Hammerstien Ballroom, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
SBD > Apogee Rosetta 24-bit A/D > Sony D8; Transfer: Tascam DA20 mkII > Audiowerk 2 Digital Soundcard (coax) > .wav using logic audio composer 3.0

Textdoc (download)
String Cheese Incident
The Hammerstien Ballroom, NYC, NY

source: sbd patch from apogee rosetta 24-bit a/d>sony d8 dat deck

coversion: tascam da20 mkII dat deck>audiowerk 2 digital soundcard (coax) >
wav file using logic audio composer 3.0
tracks broken up using cdwav editor. 
show recorded and transferred by Ian Stone (ianstone@optonline.net)

retracked for 3 discs using cdwav by Eric Walker (mason@birdsong.etree.org)  

NOTE: disc 2 is 76:18, so you have to use an 80 min disc.  
It was the only way to make it fit on 3 discs.

Set 1: (1:30)
1. On The Road, 		(07:57)
2. Little Hands > jam > 	(10:56)
3. Sing a New Song, 		(13:30)
4. Suntan*,             	(10:01)
5. Close Your Eyes		(11:36)

1. Latinismo*^ > jam *^ > 	(21:03)
2. Shine*^ 		  	(14:47)
Set 2: (1:44) 
3. Birdland^, 		  	(16:23)
4. Search^, 		  	(09:17)
5. Howard, 		  	(14:37)

1. Panama Red^, 	  	(04:22)
2. Sand Dollar,		  	(09:37)
3. Rhythm Of The Road > jam > 	(18:43) 
4. drums* > jam*^ > 	  	(09:06)
5. San Jose*^#		  	(11:18)
6. E: Jessica 		  	(11:01)

	* with Aaron Johnson on percussion
	^ with Darol Anger on fiddle
	# Short dropout in PA

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
ford prefect
Created At
Thu Jan 03 2002 12:10:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 03 2002 12:10:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
dd846516ac588ab19014957e6a7f4e2b *sci00-04-22d1t1.shn
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d2 (download)
bbcf36fb7153017f8437ed0ad1e7e77b *sci00-04-22d2t1-retracked.shn
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873208a31e0c352bf3062b29c45ffa0e *sci00-04-22d2t3-retracked.shn
873b68d2309715d4b9851e8f34d065b2 *sci00-04-22d2t4-retracked.shn
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d3 (download)
23c5ac701aea9174ef6fc5200979d38f *sci00-04-22d3t1-retracked.shn
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59bb5cf917e3a8bb136977bfcb2afbec *sci00-04-22d3t5-retracked.shn
be2ea49353dfc01b1fef9c6d6acd7ee5 *sci00-04-22d3t6-retracked.shn

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