Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC > AIFF > Final Cut w/EQ > Soundtrack Pro > AIFF CD tracking via Audacity > FLAC16 via xACT w/meta-tagging), of shnid's 7372 & 152504.

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Madison Square Garden
New York, NY
October 11, 1983

Jerry Garcia - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Mickey Hart - Drums
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Phil Lesh - Electric Bass, Vocals
Brent Mydland - Keyboards, Vocals
Bob Weir - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals


SBD (shnid=7372):

Lineage: SBD > Cassette Master > Dat x 2 > CDR > SHN

No NR of any kind was used in the production of these discs.
All editing was performed with Cool Edit Proand and Soundforage
I made several splices to patch cassette flips using the etree
audience version of this show and used many different technics
to make these splices as transparent as possible.  Patches are
found on the following tracks:

Disc 2

d2t01   0:00.00 ->  0:12.20
d2t06   3:53.19 ->  4:29.22

Disc 3

d3t04   2:42.23 ->  4:33.06

patch source:
FOB Sennheiser 441's > Technics PCM master > DAT
Transfer:  DAT > ZA2 > SoundForge
Taper: Jeff Silberman

***Subsecond dropout at 1:02 in China Cat fixed with a graft from the same
track, same source. This differs from the other patched version, circulated
simultaneously, in that the patch is not "true," but it is from the same
source. Patched by Peter Braverman (, 02/2002.

I would like to thank my friend Bob for getting me the etree
discs to make the patches and thank Jay Silberman for taking
the time to record these wonderful audience tapes.

Any questions or commennts feel free to contact me at

[Circulated 2/4/02]

AUD (shnid=152504):

2 Beyer M160> Sony TCD5M Master Cassette> SHN

[Archive note:]

[May 2021: included in the "one more shot" series because as of today, this is a different recording than jim wise recording and also any listed at etree, and I thought it was the best sounding aud on loser, and deserved one more shot to circulate since Jan 2003]

[Added to the database 5/27/21.]

Thank you to Bob Harrell, Peter Braverman and Jim Groves for the SBD transfer,
to the unknown taper and Jeff Silberman for recording the show,
to the "one more shot" series for sharing the Beyer M160 AUD source,
and to Andy Gustin for sharing Silberman's FOB Sennheiser 441 AUD source.

Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC > AIFF > Final Cut w/EQ > Soundtrack Pro > AIFF CD tracking via Audacity > FLAC16 via xACT w/meta-tagging)
October 11, 2024

Set I
d1t01 - Wang Dang Doodle >
d1t02 - Jack Straw
d1t03 - Loser
d1t04 - Me And My Uncle >
d1t05 - Mexicali Blues
d1t06 - Bird Song
d1t07 - Hell In A Bucket >
d1t08 - Keep Your Day Job

Set II
d1t09 - China Cat Sunflower >
d1t10 - I Know You Rider
d1t11 - Jerry's Speaker Change
d2t01 - I Need A Miracle >
d2t02 - Bertha >
d2t03 - MSG Jam >
d2t04 - China Doll >
d2t05 - Drums >
d2t06 - Space >
d2t07 - St. Stephen >
d2t08 - Throwing Stones >
d2t09 - Touch Of Grey

d2t10 - Johnny B. Goode


The SBD was pitch corrected a little faster using Jeff Silberman's PCM Dat as a reference. The speed was increased 0.25% for set 1 through Mexicali Blues, then 0.5% for Bird Song, then 0.6% through the rest of the show, with a couple sections at 0.8%.

Silberman's AUD source via Andy Gustin (shnid=344, 1/31/00), patches breaks between songs in the AUD, including brief cuts at the beginnings of Bird Song, Hell In A Bucket, and China Cat Sunflower. A 20-second section in Bird Song is patched where the Beyer M160 source becomes briefly dampened. Approximately 1:20 is also patched during Drums.

AUD-only cuts between songs were cross-faded.

Some light EQ was used during set two only for the SBD. EQ was also used to address some boominess in the AUD during the second set (the SBD had more bass too). The sound dynamics changed in the SBD source for the second set, with some hotter levels and a more blarey sound for the first several songs, then less apparent as it goes, but still pleasing after being matrixed. Made some initial minor SBD level adjustments.

There is a little static burst hiccup in China Cat at 3:20. A few others occur in set two.

Several clicks removed during Drums, Space, St. Stephen and Throwing Stones.

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     7:54.13       83644220 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6361  gd83-10-11d1t01.flac
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     8:08.65       86236124 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6722  gd83-10-11d2t04.flac
    12:30.38      132389420 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6393  gd83-10-11d2t05.flac
    11:13.74      118891292 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5677  gd83-10-11d2t06.flac
     6:57.30       73629404 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6765  gd83-10-11d2t07.flac
     9:20.69       98946332 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6577  gd83-10-11d2t08.flac
     7:03.67       74774828 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6616  gd83-10-11d2t09.flac
     4:20.33       45941660 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6810  gd83-10-11d2t10.flac
   146:49.19     1553953212 B                            0.6474  (21 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.45 GB(1553953212 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Oct 11 2024 10:41:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jan 03 2025 16:10:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
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