Pershing Municipal Auditorium, Lincoln, NE
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S:MR > cassette > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN > Audacity>TLH(fix SBEs)>FLAC8>Mp3tag
Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead 1973-02-26 Pershing Municipal Auditorium, Lincoln NB Source: S:MR > cassette > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN Extraction and SHN encoding by Seth Kaplan Revision notes: First of course, thanks to Seth for getting this out to the rest of us. I just wanted it to flow a little better. I did not change the sound or remove any music. Apparently tape pauses were inserted between the non-segued tracks when this was copied to cassette, presumably to save space. If so what was left between songs is pretty damn random. Five seconds here, twenty there. Strangely almost two minutes of tuning was left at the end of El Paso and another minute after Big Railroad Blues. Approximately when the drug du jour was kicking in on Dubbing Day? Well, Deadheads...go figure. Crossfades were performed to try to smooth transitions as much as possible with what was left. Unfortunately most come soon after the song ends and resume sometime before the start of the next song. So it's not applause crossfaded into applause, more like applause faded into random tuning or near-dead air. Some are a little more successful than others. Unless you're listening for them you may not even notice the transitions now though. Which is what happened to me when I went to listen to the finished show. So that's the improvement I wanted, to get lost in Nebraska in 1973. And honestly, isn't that what we're all looking to do? Finally, tracks were indexed to the beginning of the song instead of randomly near the cuts. My preference. Editing notes: Deleted 2 second blank at beginning. Short crossfades after tracks without segues, no point in listing each. There would usually be a quick, sub-second blank bracketed by pause button noise to be deleted as well. Two short crossfades at cuts after 104 Don't Ease Me In. The second didn't match no matter what but may be a little less obtrusive now. Deleted 4 second silence and short crossfade at cut after 105 Box of Rain. Crossfaded 4 second repeat after 112 El Paso. Crossfaded 7 second repeat after 113 Big Railroad Blues. The 114 Playing in the Band track ends exactly as Bobby finishes his set break announcement. No good way to crossfade that so I deleted the inevitable blank space and did what I could. Still noticeable but ever so slightly better. One second crossfade after 201 tuning > They Love Each Other. Added short fade after 211 Not Fade Away. Deleted 1 second of dead air at the end. Additional lineage: Audacity>TLH(fix SBEs)>FLAC8>Mp3tag Roman 5/12/2024 Updated track list: 101 Promised Land 102 Loser 103 Jack Straw 104 Don't Ease Me In 105 Box of Rain 106 China Cat Sunflower > 107 I Know You Rider 108 Looks Like Rain 109 Loose Lucy 110 Beat It on Down the Line 111 Row Jimmy 112 El Paso 113 Big Railroad Blues 114 Playing in the Band 201 tuning > They Love Each Other 202 Big River 203 Tennessee Jed 204 Greatest Story Ever Told 205 Dark Star > 206 Eyes of the World > 207 Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodelo 208 Me and My Uncle 209 Not Fade Away > 210 Going Down the Road Feeling Bad > 211 Not Fade Away
Media Size
1007.88 MB(1056841498 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
1.8 GB(1929593660 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri May 17 2024 11:34:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon May 20 2024 07:09:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t01.flac5da880e6794011d1b55841158bfa12ba gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t02.flacd96a24bb485e0e6b24b5a92295ff0a2b gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t03.flac7c1eec9c99ecbb5743cd5b4dfe74761c gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t04.flacfb4d1d7e561e3830355ed318bec8a12e gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t05.flac40306be1d25c6ba875d30a42954d3807 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t06.flac01e7b8e1a979dba1714a3367285193e4 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t07.flacddb9890b5d65f40e95fa6214dda51a35 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t08.flac20b32f0a50a95b257f26fd8d71ac3c87 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t09.flacd6ddd6276f0c76d395b22b748203fbb4 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t10.flac421ed3a127c69f5c462241d49d5d973a gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t11.flac5c8c83164acf1cf23a752eca4c90352d gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t12.flacb25ca176991f272b1dd53e8296dd9662 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d1t13.flac5be5a815f1aeff6a7499a5ae0adb067c gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d2t01.flac8db9f796322b9bebbb032555972d0596 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d2t02.flac5ccb5f845d7dc1c897e06f9c63686d15 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d2t03.flac2384072812446f4fd9b53703d0e7198b gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d2t04.flac933f19a0e46830fde770771e01eff642 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d2t05.flacc4092742097c0151812d5816c49b75dd gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t01.flacc20f8722716b4abb09395f9cde5a686a gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t02.flac31df0fc4bd181b27ed6bc84889efb652 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t03.flac89281c3b6892917b42fd43a8a69f38f4 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t04.flac31a442153a5715f02e1a1a4d0e905144 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t05.flac905f4a181d1d0e0972fac7951733c467 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t06.flacc50ca0e1758fea4218b6e30006f64b71 gd73-02-26ro-ro.rev.d3t07.flaccd08a2f3d95cc4258448e96a541fae96
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