Aoxomoxoa Outtakes, San Mateo, CA

Summary (download all files)
Aoxomoxoa Studio Sessions Outtakes 1969; Tracks 1-11: Sandy Troy's TC366 3.75ips Reel> DAT2> CDR; Tracks 12-13: Alan Bershaw's A1040SL 7.5ips Reel> DAT> CDR; Discs kindly provided by Stu Hanson; Cd > eac > cool edit pro > shntool > cdwav > shnv3 by Ernie Dodd

Textdoc (download)
Aoxomoxoa Studio Sessions Outtakes 1969

Sandy Troy's TC366 3.75ips Reel->DAT2->CDR 

01  Saint Stephen>    
02  The Eleven              #
03  The Barbed Wire Whipping Party *
04  Doing That Rag #1       &
05  Duprees Diamond Blues   %
06  -unknown instrumental-
07  China Cat Sunflower     @
08  Cozmic Charlie
09  Doing That Rag #2       !
10  Mountains Of The Moon   ^
11  Whats Become Of The Baby? $

Alan Bershaw's A1040SL 7.5ips Reel->DAT->CDR

12. Rosemary
13. Mountains Of The Moon

# Skip at the beginning of The Eleven, the jam at the end fades out
* 0:06- Barbed Wire removed small cut,0:41- removed pop in left channel 
    (!=pop "the B!arbed wire...") 0:57- removed pop
& 1:02- The Rag small bit of noise I could not remove, its hardly audible
  3:13-3:19 fade out & in small subsecond silence removed,
% Dupree's fades in
@ 1:25-1:28 fade out & in
! 0:30- 3 seconds of silence
^ 0:30- removed small noise sounding like tape starting
  immediately following a cut and prior to any music or Jerry singing starts
$ 2:49- noise and cut present

  Cd > eac > cool edit pro > shntool > cdwav > shnv3 by Ernie Dodd
 I did not want to edit this too much because these are rought cuts and the 
 flaws are part of the character. Instead, I tried to note them. Only minor 
 editing was performed as described above. Additionally, I did take out a few
 of the small segments of silence between tracks. I did not make any adjustments
 to the levels.

  Discs were kindly provided by Stu Hanson who comments below:

These copies kick the sh*t out of the versions circulating from those 
Unsurpassed Masters bootleg CDs. These derive from a 3.75ips reel belonging 
to Sandy Troy with two additional tracks supplied by a 7.5ips reel belonging 
to Alan Bershaw. 

Sandy's reel has all the material that has circulated before and its likely 
that many of the copies out there trace back to this reel. We *think* this 
material derives from the original 8 track studio sessions (that were 
abandoned in favor of using the first 16 track, which had just become 
available in 1969.) 

The two cuts from Alan's reel, Rosemary & Mountains Of The Moon, sound like 
the same versions recorded for the album, but they seem to be only Garcia's 
acoustic guitar and vocal tracks, without all the overdubs. They are 
definitely not to be confused with the earlier mixes that were originally 
released on the 1969 version of the album. These two tracks have not 
circulated widely. They are both excellent quality and very beautiful! 

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Sep 22 2004 22:18:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Sep 22 2009 14:35:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

shn-md5 (download)
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