SHNID 166457 Allman Family Revival 2023-11-30
Santander Performing Arts Center, Reading, PA
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Source: FOB (Row E 9th row center) Schoeps mk4>nbox platinum>Tascam dr-2d > FLAC 24/96
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Allman Betts Family Revival 2023-11-30 Santander Performing Arts Center Reading, PA Schoeps mk4>nbox platinum>Tascam dr-2d stealth rig 24bit/96khz Row E 9th row center WAV>Imac>wav>Reaper(fades,tracking,normalize,fab filter pro L2)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,tagging) Recorded by Ted Mattes aka Teddy Ballgame Transferred by Andy Murray Set 1 01 Little Martha (intro recording) > 02 Fear of Falling 03 Statesboro Blues (with Jimmy Hall) 04 No One To Run With (with Jimmy, Mattie, Koch) 05 I'm No Angel (with Ally) 06 Melissa (with Jackie Greene) 07 Ain't Wastin' Time No More (with Tal) 08 Soulshine (with Larry, Koch, Erika, Mattie) 09 Blue Sky 10 Dreams (with Luther) Set 2 11 Sailin' 'Cross the Devil's Sea 12 Seven Turns (with Mattie, Erika) 13 Pony Boy (with Ghalia) 14 Ramblin' Man (with Anders Osborne) 15 Come and Go Blues (with Ghalia Volt and Mattie Schell) 16 Jessica (with Stach, Jeff) 17 One Way Out (with Ghalia Voly, Ally Venable, Greg, Sierra, Jackson) 18 Whipping Post (with Jimmy Hall) encore 19 End of the Line (with Sierra Hull) 20 Magnolia Road (with Sierra Hull) 21 Midnight Rider (everyone jam) TEDDY SAYS: this was the first theater I recorded a show in in 1979 when one of my GD mentors was kind enough and trusting enough to loan me recording gear. it was also a place where I would pick a show to test new mic rigs in the 80s. since I was in town for the holidays, this show was on my radar. when I checked the services I could see that it was not really selling well. I did bring a stealth rig and a full rig on this trip. I mention this because there was quite the thread on a few of the facebook taper groups that I am member of, on whether these guys would allow open taping, anyway, a friend with a local/regional sound company was asked to deliver some Meyer monitors the morning of the show. a few hours later, he told me he wouldn't be able to make the show but that the band and crew had offered some tickets. super stoked to be included but after long day of remote work several counties away, I had to swing back to the pad I was staying at and grab my rig. I realized that it was going to be close timewise. nothing like taper stress to begin with and certainly ratcheted up with the prospect of being late. I got to the venue at 5 of 8 for an 8 PM show and proceeded to will call. Lo and behold, no tickets for teddy...the venue were super sweet and negotiated the tickets w/o a huge hassle or me having to wait for the TM. it was at this point that the box office person turned the computer screen toward me and asked, "where would you like to sit?" contrary to earlier looks at the ticket services, this show had had a very healthy walkup business . I saw two in the 14th row on the aisle and debated. this was a town I grew up in. not a ton of shows play here and it might be good to have a buffer on each side to stave off whistlers, talkers and drunks. but first and foreost I am a taper and I saw a nice row e single (in this case 9th row) so i pointed to that one. the woman reminded me I had two on the guest list and I mentioned something about the people I had asked not wanting to attend. it was going to be a crapshoot to rush in, connect the cables and pray that the people on either side of me were music fans before they were booze fans.I realized at this late hour there was no turning back and I was already rigged I had to hope that either the metal detectors were not set super sensitively OR that taping was allowed and the crew had advanced that to the venue staff. It was the former, and I barged through the detector and it made not a peep. when I got in got in and race to my seat. I had no time to stop and say hello to the dudes that were setup next to the board. this though made me realize that the debate was settled, open taping allowed. I found out after they did not advance it very well and the staff were baffled about the gear on the way in. all's well that ends well. I didn't have a stand with but I have to assume it wouldn't been ideal (at least for the venue or other patrons) to hoist it 9th row center...i did have a clamp but time was tight and not to be a snob but the board was well under the balcony AND i had this stellar seat...upfront stealth it was... this theater is an old Shriner's temple that used to be called the Rajah Theater. i mention this because its an old ass theater and the seats are built before everyone was overweight (see also the Colonial in Phoenixville, PA) I did something I rarely ever do and told the dude to my left what I was doing or at least, what I planned to do. he responded affirmatively; i asked him politely to please not talk to me during the show. i had not done my homework on this gig. It was so much more than devon allman project or even allman betts...yes, it was a tribute band deal but it wasn't phoned in or corny. the vibe was allman brothers meets the traveling roadshow big band vibe that Tedeschi Trucks brings. they did obvious things but also with the guests there were "deep cuts" and even a solo song (Gregg)...i see now that the sets are the same but wonder if the guest artists rotating in and out had any say in what songs they augmented. I loved the show and called my buddy who works for GoldenVoice in SF to urge him to book this in the Regency Ballroom there. it if sells well they can always move it to the warfield. anyway, hope this is a nice addition to the others that were done on this leg of the tour and I will def check this band out again when they come to California tm
Media Size
3.2 GB(3430988402 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
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Created At
Wed Dec 06 2023 08:33:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Dec 06 2023 08:33:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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