SHNID 165991 John Bell 1994-05-28
Websters Lake, Auburn, AL
Textdoc (download)
JB & Friends Websters Lake, Auburn, AL 05-28-1994 source: (??) My source says DSBD but I dont think so! If you know please email me seeded by Zee 1: Space Wrangler, Ribs And Whiskey, Blackout Blues, Crack And Whistle, Dog Song, On Your Way Down, Last Train 2: Geraldine And The Honeybee, City of Dreams, Mercy, Rock Steady > Satisfied > Rock Steady E: Knockin' On Heaven's Door, End Of The Show [Billed as 'JB & Friends'; 'Space Wrangler' and 'Ribs and Whiskey' JB solo; 'Blackout Blues', 'Crack and Whistle' and 'Dog Song' JB, JoJo, and Todd; 'On Your Way Down', 'Last Train', 'Geraldine And The Honeybee' and 'City of Dreams' JB, Todd, JoJo, John Keane, and Carl Lindburgh; 'Mercy', 'Rock Steady > Satisfied > Rock Steady' JB, Todd, JoJo, John Keane, Carl Lindburgh, and Debra Reece;'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' JB, Todd, JoJo, John Keane, Carl Lindburgh, and Kevn Kinney; The Grapes and Col. Bruce Hampton also appeared] length expanded size cdr WAVE problems fmt ratio filename 7:58.44 84422732 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.5172 jb94-05-28D1T01.shn 4:27.33 47176460 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4136 jb94-05-28D1T02.shn 8:39.10 91575164 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4748 jb94-05-28D1T03.shn 9:19.45 98713484 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4807 jb94-05-28D1T04.shn 4:27.39 47190572 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.5124 jb94-05-28D1T05.shn 9:59.23 105717740 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4935 jb94-05-28D1T06.shn 7:36.69 80600732 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.5073 jb94-05-28D1T07.shn 3:42.74 39334892 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4837 jb94-05-28D2T01.shn 0:49.08 8662460 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4804 jb94-05-28D2T02.shn 7:53.67 83594828 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4886 jb94-05-28D2T03.shn 9:01.50 95550044 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.4683 jb94-05-28D2T04.shn 8:16.49 87609692 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.5443 jb94-05-28D2T05.shn 0:06.73 1230140 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.1916 jb94-05-28D2T06.shn 11:36.25 122833244 B --- -- ---xx shn 0.5035 jb94-05-28D2T07.shn 5:28.63 58007444 B -b- -- ---xx shn 0.5172 jb94-05-28D2T08.shn 99:24.72 1052219628 B 0.4941 (15 files)
Media Size
495.82 MB(519909417 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
1003.47 MB(1052219628 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Oct 15 2023 02:27:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Oct 20 2023 22:38:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
all.md5 (download)
1a73c96a48f64e6e2878589de9db193a *jb94-05-28D1T07.shn 50908419824ef18e4dc8bf0529b43aa4 *jb94-05-28D1T02.shn 508a23856e5f7c00db31ce850a333c3d *jb94-05-28D1T03.shn 62b0682f8f13eb0109e93811403e2634 *jb94-05-28D1T04.shn 90ac2919a5955ccc3fa0d4a34816866b *jb94-05-28D1T05.shn 51b6d67e4ad90ba70d6aadd7c345df92 *jb94-05-28D1T06.shn ef2cdd3d930139dfee883439a9c2d80d *jb94-05-28D1T01.shn 5799fb2b48535417824ae94f1d11bd56 *jb94-05-28D2T05.shn 4a651a45fb8d6c42709db9c5668cd084 *jb94-05-28D2T02.shn 6f69962f6ab8269cf88a0880773e0ba7 *jb94-05-28D2T03.shn db97bd9f33a21922c7cbd1d632d5832e *jb94-05-28D2T04.shn aedfca3e95b3253891741d05b9071ea0 *jb94-05-28D2T01.shn 9e666b365e3f2c5c2ed8607deb63e156 *jb94-05-28D2T06.shn 754a8770da4dc49b48195c46ad183c4c *jb94-05-28D2T07.shn c0eeedff907e8657bafb24b793eb9a8f *jb94-05-28D2T08.shn
all.st5 (download)
;shntool st5 checksums generated by xACT 2.50 on 2023-04-01 05:23:58 +0000 027b072e04d795237803e5b7e4c45e20 [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T01.shn 55ecb7b0ec749e15e259dc2f45af984a [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T02.shn 297d35525d15b167ce0df65709387adb [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T03.shn 8588c3d26c76ee15ef9c13d43edd4477 [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T04.shn bd81e06390de608132ff25b782fedbd4 [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T05.shn ca2e3d590bcad8d947e3de3477e67128 [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T06.shn 855165c74b4e6efc543d924a096a9abc [shntool] jb94-05-28D1T07.shn fb3dbf8ca8cfeaa0449edcada4c79cc4 [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T01.shn 3b2624924dabad80c5f587453ea6abb7 [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T02.shn 9dc28da81aefbe481217f9e92259b58c [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T03.shn 6301d9de73a69bf8c248a9d38dc3184d [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T04.shn 1c2206dea3eab2a698e899866c45f4b7 [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T05.shn 252cfe1561fee3dce5b03cb0ee5bd3d8 [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T06.shn a280b567a84f39781f22b35ae27e159b [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T07.shn 871b0c5899865fa5f2a0471250fccc66 [shntool] jb94-05-28D2T08.shn
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