Blackhawk Farms Music Festival, South Beloit, WI

Summary (download all files)
SBD > AD1000 > D8 > ZA2 > CDWAV > SHN, via J. Kempka

Textdoc (download)
The Big Wu
July 22, 2000
Blackhawk Farms Raceway
South Beloit, IL

Source:  SBD > AD1000 > D8
Transfer:  D8 > ZA2 (48 > 44.1khz) > Cool Edit > CDWAV > SHN
Taped and Transfered by Jeff Kempka.

Disk 1

1.  Country Pie
2.  Silcanturnitova
3.  SOS
4.  All Good
5.  Operator
6.  Gimme a Raise
7.  2 person chair
8.  Jazz 88
9.  Take the World by Storm
10. House of Wu

Cool edit was used to edit out a few digi-pops caused by 
the PA system in the first 40 sec. of the show.  One pop
remains, as it wasn't digital, so removing it would've 
meant removing a sample of actual music.

Enjoy :)

Jeff Kempka

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Mar 05 2003 14:57:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Mar 05 2003 14:57:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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