SHNID 1642 Phish 2000-09-30
Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, NV

Summary (download all files)
FOB Schoeps cmc6/mk21 > Apogee AD1000 > D8 @ 44.1k; Technics SV250 > Montego II+ > Soundforge > CDWav > SHN; see flaw note in pub comment

Textdoc (download)
Thomas & Mack Center - Las Vegas, Nevada

Source: Schoeps cmc6/mk21(fob) > Apogee AD1000 > D8 @ 44.1k

Transfer: Technics SV250 > Montego 2 Plus > Soundforge > CDWav

Disc 1

1	Walfredo*
2	The Curtain With
3	Maze
4	Roggae
5	I Didn't Know**
6	Mike's Song
7	Simple
8	I Saw it Again

Disc 2

1	Esther***
2	Weekapaug Groove
3	Timber (Jerry)
4	AC/DC Bag
5	Colonel Forbin's Ascent
6	Narration#
7	Fly Famous Mockingbird##

Disc 3

1	Twist
2	Sand###
3	A Day in the Life####
4	Crowd Filler
5	Emotional Rescue@

   * - Trey on keys, Jon on bass, Page on drums, Mike on guitar; last
       "Walfredo" 02/22/97 (243 shows) according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats
   ** - with "Robert 'Just call me Joe C'" on vacuum; Trey began to
        introduce Jon as Robert before Jon interrupted asking that he just
        be called Joe C
   *** - last "Esther" 08/09/98 (141 shows) according to ZZYZX's Phish
         Stats; Trey flubs the entire last verse of the song, ending the
         song with "She died. Dead"
   **** - as the band returned to the stage, the crowd sang "Happy
          Birthday" to Trey for his 36th birthday
   # - last "Colonel Forbin's Ascent" 08/07/98 (143 shows) according to
       ZZYZX's Phish Stats; Trey takes the time to thank the people who
       have supported them, including the crew (the greatest crew in the
       history of music) and to talk about the hiatus and how they'll use
       it to write songs and recharge (so they can come back and play
       another 17 years) after these next 6 shows before talking about the
       strange dream he had last night that he was sitting in the middle
       of a field on a beautiful day, when suddenly he saw from the
       periphery of his vision people walking towards him... an army of
       people surrounding him before sitting down. One of them took an
       apple and handed it to him and explained that they wanted him to
       eat the apple as a gift, but he realized he had no teeth... but
       then a giant tooth grew out of his upper gum. But you can't eat an
       apple with one tooth. He began to get nervous that people would
       wonder why he wasn't eating the apple and he had a moment of
       panic. Luckily, at that moment, the sun flew closer to the sun than
       it had ever been in history, and as a result his first thought was
       that the earth would burn up, but instead, the earth acted in the
       way that a grape acts... it shrivled and turned into a raisin
       version of the earth. The ground wrinkled and became mountains and
       the people got crushed together into a big pile. Only moments
       before he'd been panicking, but being crushed together, he realized
       that all of his senses became much more vivid in the way that a
       raisin is more intense tasting than a grape... Sounds, emotions,
       love... And just as the earth was becoming a much more rich and
       vivid place, he found himself in this pile of people. This pile of
       people became a groping pile of love and goo and he realized that
       Gamehendge is a state of mind and you don't have to get there
       physically. He decided then that everyone needed to know how simple
       it was to turn yourself into a seething pile of goo, so he called
       upon the Famous Mockingbird to spread the word about this...
   ## - last "Fly Famous Mockingbird" 08/07/98 according to ZZYZX's Phish
   ### - with Trey on keyboard
   #### - Beatles cover; last "A Day in the Life" 07/03/98 (165 shows)
          according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats
   @ - Rolling Stones cover; last "Emotional Rescue" 07/28/98 (150
       shows) according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats; song ended with Trey
       setting up a delay loop before he and Mike moved to the front of
       the stage and began a bizarre synchonized duel involving them
       swinging their guitar and bass at each other and around themselves
       while wandering across the front of the stage and putting strange
       hats on Page and Jon; at one point Trey and Mike put both the
       guitar and bass down on the stage and kicked/stomped the stage
       beside them to produce more feedback; in the end Trey finally
       "defeated" Mike before the band walked off stage
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jan 06 2003 22:48:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jan 06 2003 22:48:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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d3 (download)
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