Southgate House, Newport, KY

Summary (download all files)
{onstage} Neumann AK40's (ORTF, DFC) > LC3 > KM100's > MP-2 > SBM-1 > D-7 (DAT@48kHz); Transfer: D-7 (DAT) > WAV via Prodif 32 > Red Roaster & CDRWin > SHN [no DAE]

Textdoc (download)
The Steve Kimock Band

The Southgate House
Newport, KY
March 26, 2003

Source: (on stage) 2ft high (6" under C&A's mics) 5ft back from drums DFC
ORTF Neumann AK40's > LC3 actives > KM100's > MP-2 > SBM-1 (24bitmod) > D-7 @48kHz

Transfer:  D-7 > Prodif 32 (48>44.1) > Red Roaster > CDRWin > .shn via MKW

Taped and Transferred by Chris Mescia

Set 1:

d1t01  Tuning
d1t02  High and Lonesome 
d1t03  Kissing The Boo Boo 
d1t04  Cole's Law 
d1t05  Tangled Hangers
d1t06  In Reply > Avalon

Set 2: 

d2t01  Tuning
d2t02  You're The One
d2t03  A New Africa
d2t04  Drumz > 
d2t05  Elmer's Revenge
d2t06  Moon People
d3t01  Tongue'N' Groove
d3t02  Five B4 Funk
d3t03  Ending Applause

d3t04  Band Intros (end of set 1)

Note:  Great show!  d1 is 79mins long.  You can have either the tuning 
at the beginning or the band intro's at the end but not both.  The band 
intro's are hard to hear, so I just stuck them at the end of d3.  
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:15:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:15:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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d3 (download)
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