Highline Ballroom, New York, NY
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flac2496 Neumann TLM-170 (card, split 30" in balcony)->Sound Devices 722(@24/96). FLAC File processing in SoundForge Audio Studio 10.0b; Recorded, Mastered, and Tracked by Scott Bernstein
Textdoc (download)
moe. Highline Ballroom New York, NY 6/16/08 Early show Neumann TLM-170 (card, split 30" in balcony)->Sound Devices 722(@24/96). FLAC File processing in SoundForge Audio Studio 10.0b (L/R channel time alignment, removing 20 samples from the right channel at the beginning of the recording); Tracked in CDWav. Acoustic set: 1. tuning/banter 2. Shoot First 3. banter - crazy day for us 4. New York City 5. banter - Headcount support 6. Can't Seem To Find 7. tuning 8. Okayalright -> 9. Time Again 10. thanks Notes: This was an early, acoustic set, which was open to a very limited number people who purchased VIP tickets which benefitted HeadCount. No taping was allowed at this show, but I did anyway and just recently got permission from Jon Topper, moe.'s manager to post this recording. You get the benefit of an April 2010 mastering in SoundForge 10, which has improved Izotope resampling and MBit+ Dithering over SoundForge 9 which I was using at the time, as well as the knoweldge which I didn't have almost 2 years ago that when you run split mics you might need to time align the channels (in this case it was extremely minor -- 20 samples or 1/4,800th of a second), but I did it just because I care and hope you appreciate. Recorded, Mastered, and Tracked by Scott Bernstein length expanded size cdr WAVE problems fmt ratio filename 1:18.227 45058604 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.4172 moe2008-06-16earlyt01.flac 6:04.280 209825324 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.5204 moe2008-06-16earlyt02.flac 0:57.267 32985644 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.4274 moe2008-06-16earlyt03.flac 5:14.800 181324844 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.5210 moe2008-06-16earlyt04.flac 1:29.787 51717164 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.4322 moe2008-06-16earlyt05.flac 6:44.467 232972844 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.5169 moe2008-06-16earlyt06.flac 0:44.840 25827884 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.4141 moe2008-06-16earlyt07.flac 5:06.613 176609324 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.5137 moe2008-06-16earlyt08.flac 8:57.720 309726764 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.5206 moe2008-06-16earlyt09.flac 0:34.853 20075564 B cxx -- ---xx flac 0.4429 moe2008-06-16earlyt10.flac 37:12.853 1286123960 B 0.5061 (10 files)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.2 GB(1286123960 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Dec 18 2022 20:09:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Dec 18 2022 20:09:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
flac.md5 (download)
# MD5 checksums generated by MD5summer (http://www.md5summer.org) # Generated 4/6/2010 1:25:34 PM 3ae0157618ede8cab46fc6683ae4b93b *moe2008-06-16earlyt01.flac 4c6070c747cc3b18a7e8ec42aa443839 *moe2008-06-16earlyt02.flac 3dde5724db813f2a640c3f917f5fed19 *moe2008-06-16earlyt03.flac 0b7930109c9a4599a58e8e7aadeb1432 *moe2008-06-16earlyt04.flac dc1f618287f751aa3ddfd9ecf4350ef7 *moe2008-06-16earlyt05.flac 7371c0ac3354069b89efe8010c26f196 *moe2008-06-16earlyt06.flac fb7141887ed64aba482f7d585e7ff7c0 *moe2008-06-16earlyt07.flac cb68426e54bb0bad0c3035ade58b65ea *moe2008-06-16earlyt08.flac fb8e140826fb0fe27dd78152d5f484f5 *moe2008-06-16earlyt09.flac f42bb4ed27662cc40bd30d758eb6fb77 *moe2008-06-16earlyt10.flac
ffp (download)
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