Rococo Theatre, Lincoln, NE

Summary (download all files)
T 853 -> SP Pre-Amp -> D100
DAT > shn: D100 -> Oade Passive -> Dio 2448 -> Soundforge 5.0 -> cdwav -> mkwACT
Location: Balcony first row center

Textdoc (download)
Bela Fleck And The Flecktones
The Rococo Theatre
Lincoln, Nebrasksa
June 19, 2002

Taper:		Chuck Lesiak <>

Source Info: 	AT 853 -> SP Pre-Amp -> D100

Location:	Balcony first row center

DAT > shn: 	D100 -> Oade Passive -> Dio 2448 -> Soundforge 5.0 ->
		cdwav -> mkwACT

***Do NOT encode to mp3 under any circustance***

Disc 01

01: 	Next					- 08:20:31
02: 	Puffy					- 11:50:51
03:	Snatchin				- 09:30:66
04:	3/4					- 09:12:19
05:	Vic Solo				- 16:03:72
06:	Bela and Vic Talk			- 01:32:62
07:	Sunset Road				- 10:05:44

Total:						- 66:36:45

Disc 02

01:	Futureman Solo 				- 09:25:01
02:	Futureman and Jeff Coffin Jam		- 10:05:45
03:		 				- 07:14:32
04:	Sherpa		 			- 18:22:67

Total:						- 45:07:70

Disc 03

01:	A Moment So Close 			- 08:55:00
02:	Bela Solo				- 15:03:67
03:	Stomping Grounds			- 15:11:33
04:	Encore: Hoedown				- 10:25:02

Total:						- 49:35:27

Note: Great show!! Bela played a great solo best one I have ever seen, however throughout 
the solo and the show, the stupid ass rednecks couldn't stop from yelling and screaming
just to be cool. It gets really annoying, Bela actually stops in the middle and asks them
to stop, but remember they are cool and keep on with their yelling and whistling. Apparently
the concept of listening to live acoustic music has yet to reach this part of the country.

skt appened to end of shn

Compiled on 6/20/02 by Chuck Lesiak

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:02:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:02:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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