Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC

Summary (download all files)
FOB Nak 300 mics>Sony TCD5-M>DAT(via highly modified Sony ES)>CDR>EAC>CE2K>SHNTOOL>MKWACT

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead -- Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC
October 5, 1984

FOB Nak 300 mics>Sony TCD5-M>DAT(via highly modified Sony ES)>CDR>EAC>CE2K>SHNTOOL>MKWACT

Disk 1:

Set I

1.  Bertha -> 
2.  Promised Land 
3.  West L.A. Fade Away 
4.  Rooster 
5.  Dupree's 
6.  Brother Esau
7.  Brown-Eyed Women 
8.  Stranger 
9.  Mighty Swell

Disk 2:

Set II

1.  China -> 
2.  Rider 
3.  Estimated ->
4.  Eyes -> 
5.  Drums -> 

Disk 3:

Set II, cont.

1.  Space ->
2.  More Space ->
3.  The Other One -> 
4.  Black Peter -> 
5.  Sugar Magnolia//(No Daydream) ->
6.  Johnny B. Goode 
7.  E: Baby Blue

-Disks from Alan Matta
-Editing and Seeding by MattMan (
-Very nice audience recording. 
-The only edting I did was retracking, fixing loud burst at 0:01 of Promised Land, fades,
and cleaning up the dropouts. Although there was a nice piece of cassette his at the 
end of Might as Well that I could have used for NR, I opted not to as the overall signal-to-noise ratio is high, precluding any need for NR.

A few words from the recordists, in their own words:
-Mike Grace
"I recorded both those shows on a Sony TcD5-M recorder and Nakamichi 300 super-cardiod mics. We were set up about 30 feet in front of the sound board. This was one of the last tours before the official 'Tapers Section' was established. We had to sneak the equipment into the show although security was not too tight. The tapes were transferred from the same Sony deck to a highly modified Sony 75ES DAT recorder."
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Feb 28 2003 02:34:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Sep 24 2009 07:02:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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