The Coffee House, Los Angeles, CA
Textdoc (download)
Jason Mraz The Coffee House Los Angeles, CA June 19, 2001 Taper: Aaron Adler Source: Sony ECM-717 > Sony MZ-R70 Transfer: Sony MZ-R70 > Behringer MX602A mixer > Soundblaster Live! card > Acid Pro Edit: WAV > CD Wave > WAV Conversion: WAV > mkw 0.97 BETA 1 > SHN (seek tables appended) ******************** ******************** PRESERVE THE QUALITY DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3 ******************** ******************** Tracklisting: d1t01 - Spinning d1t02 - The Darkest Space d1t03 - Right Kind of Phrase d1t04 - Little You & I d1t05 - You & I Both d1t06 - Conversation With Myself d1t07 - 0% Interest d1t08 - After An Afternoon d1t09 - 1000 Things d1t10 - Rand McNally d1t11 - Better d1t12 - Childlike Wildlife Total: 67:11 Notes: The taper did not make .shn files when he first transfered his recording to CD, so these .shn files were made from .wav's ripped from an EAC master CD burn from the taper himself. These extracted wav's were then .shn'd and md5's created. They are the closest thing to the original recording existing besides the original audio CD that the taper created back when the recording was made. Conversion/compilation: (2/20/03)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:03:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:03:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
733bfcb8eac8e1351593bf6c07456daa *jmraz2001-06-19d1t13.shn 8426d4665bbdee201411596c889fff35 *jmraz2001-06-19d1t02.shn f1523c9a01d46c89453ffdf29d3520cd *jmraz2001-06-19d1t03.shn 15a98bd386a0cf78f9a626ecff98d5c9 *jmraz2001-06-19d1t04.shn 401af3df4d8d9b3f30dfc4a2e5e8bfe3 *jmraz2001-06-19d1t05.shn d9ded7e384e1e91199dc43da34f4ef7f *jmraz2001-06-19d1t06.shn f0a592fc075d1ebc1898c261fe482ccc *jmraz2001-06-19d1t07.shn 96edce65e20513ecd01ae4b1b780fdac *jmraz2001-06-19d1t08.shn 539db9d66eb5d0d8334db7e4ebcd8b5c *jmraz2001-06-19d1t09.shn a21d786c8e931ddb882083c2005326e6 *jmraz2001-06-19d1t10.shn 291cd680bdab7efa2b3fcb8daacf56eb *jmraz2001-06-19d1t11.shn 7f8817b5b5c6011865e1d203ad3af0c0 *jmraz2001-06-19d1t12.shn 9b1596cb92bc4e6c4807eb4073a1f86c *jmraz2001-06-19d1t01.shn
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