SHNID 15374 Jason Mraz 2003-01-28
Waterloo Records, Austin, TX

Summary (download all files)
marcSound omnis -> TCD-D8

Textdoc (download)
Jason Mraz
January 28, 2003
Waterloo Records - Instore
Austin, TX

Taper: Victor Yiu (vyiu (at)
Source: marcSound omnis -> TCD-D8
Location: 10' high, 10' feet front of left stack
Conversion: TCD-D8 -> Zoltrix Nightingale (digi-in) ->
            WaveLab -> CDWave -> mkwACT
SHN: Seek Tables appended. No DAE

Mastering: Victor Yiu

Disc 1

 1. "Introduction, Gum"				 3:17
 2. Curbside Prophet				 4:18
 3. "Allergies"					 4:55
 4. 1000 Things					 3:20
 5. "Register"					 0:46
 6. Intro and Stuck On You ^ ->			 1:56
 7. Dream Life of Rand McNally			 6:02
 8. "Guitar giveaway, Toca's customization"	 1:04
 9. I'll Do Anything   				 3:47
10. "Meeting his neighbor in the crowd"		 3:01
11. Zero Percent Interest			 8:06

					Total:  37:17

	An incredibly good recording of a GREAT instore performance.

	Be sure to grab the Cactus Cafe recording from later that
	night. The songs that we missed from the Cactus are all on
	this instore recording....fate?

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:03:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:03:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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cfe0e7f35f1c411cb40792d3b6cf189c *jmraz2003-01-28waterloo-d1t11.shn

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