The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA

Summary (download all files)
Unknown audience recording - set 2 only; downloaded from 01/03;

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead - Spectrum
Philadelphia, PA

Disk 2
d2t01 - Samson and Delilah (cut at end)
d2t02 - It Must've Been The Roses
d2t03 - Dancin' In The Street->
d2t04 - Not Fade Away->
d2t05 - Goin' Down The Road->
d2t06 - Sugar Magnolia
d2t07 - US Blues

MD5 included

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun May 30 2021 21:11:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon May 31 2021 06:30:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

gd1979-01-12-s2-unknown-onemoreshot.shnf.st5 (download)
;shntool st5 checksums generated by xACT 2.50 on 2021-05-31 01:05:29 +0000

19a83ad4b43c6f5dad8af6177206bf51  [shntool]  d2t01 - Samson and Delilah.shn
edf96c8cb52d4a90ae0d92bb3486674e  [shntool]  d2t02 - It Must Have Been The Roses.shn
34b55d5b6410d2094c0b2cf962060152  [shntool]  d2t03 - Dancin' In The Streets.shn
7d164bceb4d7db49db1bf476e05a2e32  [shntool]  d2t04 - Not Fade Away.shn
724d9766c8a9c405b1e768d737ea54fc  [shntool]  d2t05 - Goin' Down The Road.shn
fbfeaf5162f91490cfea4457c000f985  [shntool]  d2t06 - Sugar Magnolia.shn
858625dd7ebe414ed74a3b1f57b44b96  [shntool]  d2t07 -- US Blues.shn
gd1979-01-12-s2-unknown-onemoreshot.shnf.md5 (download)
#MD5 checksums generated by xACT 2.50 on 2021-05-31 01:09:31 +0000

9c2ccf9de2a119e02068cd8c086b81c8 *d2t01 - Samson and Delilah.shn
0a492abaf6b38a85bc824090b8e74033 *d2t02 - It Must Have Been The Roses.shn
a3d40c76a85d1aa4a92c6b9a57664bf4 *d2t03 - Dancin' In The Streets.shn
9f768b1c10586d5062e3b363af9d40ec *d2t04 - Not Fade Away.shn
916d53d296f774d14ee96aaf56e56305 *d2t05 - Goin' Down The Road.shn
96d4966aa6327b464ce31429dc3c9d8b *d2t06 - Sugar Magnolia.shn
a027f9e80c597facd65ae86cb1ce3aa4 *d2t07 -- US Blues.shn

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