SHNID 150521 Garcia 1982-02-05
Keystone Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA

Summary (download all files)
JGB; flac2448; Taped by Jeff Knudsen, gear used lost to the fog of history; Nakamichi CR-7A (Rebuilt by ESL August 2019) -> Sound Devices MixPre-3M; Transfers by Jay Haines April 2020 at 24bit 48kHz; Shared at LL in the Raw Tape Project; Speed Correction by Jason Chastain; Audio Mastering by Jamie Waddell; Additional audio mastering by Joe Noel, using Adobe Audition 2020.

Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band

February 5, 1982
The Keystone,
Palo Alto, CA

Taped by Jeff Knudsen, gear used lost to the fog of history

Nakamichi CR-7A (Rebuilt by ESL August 2019) -> Sound Devices MixPre-3M
Transfers by Jay Haines April 2020 at 24bit 48kHz
Shared at LL in the Raw Tape Project

Speed Correction by Jason Chastain
Audio Mastering by Jamie Waddell

Additional audio mastering by Joe Noel, using Adobe Audition 2020.
August 22, 2020

- reMaster of shnid: 149858
- s1t04 fixed
- levels improved

- Set I -
s1t01 - The Way You Do the Things You Do
s1t02 - Sitting in Limbo
s1t03 - That's What Love Will Make You Do
s1t04 - Simple Twist of Fate
s1t05 - Second That Emotion

- Set II -
s2t01 - Mission in the Rain
s2t02 - Roadrunner
s2t03 - Valerie
s2t04 - Tore Up
s2t05 - Tangled Up in Blue

Checksums & tags created in xACT

Jeff Knudsen recalled recently when asked...
"I actually don't remember very much about the details. What happened was a friend of mine,
who I can't remember his name, asked me if I would use his rig to tape. The security goons saw it and gave me grief.
I had to move the whole rig elsewhere. I guess so he wanted to do some serious party.
I was sitting on the side and there was a 'lip' to the wall so I taped the mics under the lip.
It was all a giant hassle and I was a bit pissed at allowing myself to have to do this...
What I don't get it how the end got on another tape with other endings!
I simply can't remember very much and really nothing about the show"

originally shared at on May 5, 2020  **gems**

Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
[J. Noel 22 August 2020]

Media Size
697.13 MB(730991632 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Aug 24 2020 20:36:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Aug 25 2020 09:26:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

jg82-02-05 jgb AUD Knudse (download)

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