SHNID 149974 Garcia 1981-07-26
Keystone, Berkeley, CA

Summary (download all files)
JGB; flac1644; partial set I; Jeff Knudsen's MAC; plaback Nakamichi CR-7A (Rebuilt by ESL August 2019) -> Sound Devices MixPre-3M; Transfer by: Jay Haines on Apr 4, 2020. Shared at LL in the Raw Tape Project. Speed Correction by Jason Chastain. Audio Mastering by Jamie Waddell

-partial, 1st aud source Flac2448

Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band
Sunday July 26, 1981
The Keystone
Berkeley, CA

Recorded by Jeff Knudsen

Transfer info: Nakamichi CR-7A (Rebuilt by ESL August 2019) -> Sound Devices MixPre-3M
Transfer by: Jay Haines on Apr 4, 2020
Shared at LL in the Raw Tape Project

Speed Correction by Jason Chastain
Audio Mastering by Jamie Waddell

-partial, 1st aud source

Set One
missing - The Way You Do The Things You Do
01. Catfish John
02. Tough Mama
03. Mississippi Moon >
04. Don't Let Go
05. Tangled Up In Blue

Set Two is currently Missing

originally seeded at   **gems** May 18, 2020

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     9:51.539     170363294 B   cxx   --   ---xx   flac  0.6742  jgb1981-07-26.track.1.flac
     6:44.522     116502338 B   cxx   --   ---xx   flac  0.6801  jgb1981-07-26.track.2.flac
    12:09.245     210022616 B   cxx   --   ---xx   flac  0.6717  jgb1981-07-26.track.3.flac
     7:29.819     129548036 B   cxx   --   ---xx   flac  0.6754  jgb1981-07-26.track.4.flac
     7:08.836     123504908 B   cxx   --   ---xx   flac  0.6877  jgb1981-07-26.track.5.flac
    43:23.962     749941192 B                            0.6768  (5 files)

43bf5d313bc70818c3efc975920ff15c *jgb1981-07-26.track.1.flac
ce0f3a6efe2a326315e7afedad53f259 *jgb1981-07-26.track.2.flac
92defb819c4d1218065765d3045b55f5 *jgb1981-07-26.track.3.flac
876a7be5d9fc17d4d81b34d9c438c2ff *jgb1981-07-26.track.4.flac
a4ebf80a7eb47473834eadfdfaaf50d1 *jgb1981-07-26.track.5.flac

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue May 26 2020 16:30:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue May 26 2020 17:50:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

jgb1981-07-26.aud.Knudsen.GEMS.flac2448.md5 (download)
43bf5d313bc70818c3efc975920ff15c *jgb1981-07-26.track.1.flac
ce0f3a6efe2a326315e7afedad53f259 *jgb1981-07-26.track.2.flac
92defb819c4d1218065765d3045b55f5 *jgb1981-07-26.track.3.flac
876a7be5d9fc17d4d81b34d9c438c2ff *jgb1981-07-26.track.4.flac
a4ebf80a7eb47473834eadfdfaaf50d1 *jgb1981-07-26.track.5.flac
jgb1981-07-26.aud.Knudsen.GEMS.flac2448.ffp (download)

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