Classic Amphitheater, Richmond, VA

Summary (download all files)
Master: SBD>DAT

Taper unknown; clone provided by Theo

Conversion: DA-20>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>shntool>shnv3

by Dave Mallick []

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler 
July 27th, 1993
Classic Amphitheatre, Richmond, VA

Master creation: 
Taper unknown; clone provided by Theo

SHNs were made: 
D8>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>shntool>SHNv3

CD 1 [56:55.43] (minutes:seconds.frames) 
01. NY Prophesie          [05:30.58]
02. But Anyway>           [05:28.02]
03. Slow Change>          [07:45.61] 
04. Crystal Flame         [12:41.59] 
05. Gina                  [05:50.54] 
06. Love & Greed          [04:51.51] 
07. Regarding Steven      [05:00.08] 
08. Brother John          [09:46.50] 

- John's vocal mic seemed to overload at random points
  between songs (when he spoke into it). One was particularly
  crackly so I cut it out; all he said was "Oh, my". Since the
  recording is a soundboard, there's no crowd noise to even
  sound like it was cut.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Feb 02 2003 23:06:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jan 24 2007 10:55:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
3120f8ffc7842d5aacd173c22a87fd1e  bt1993-07-27t01.shn
f452180380c928dbf5f55ffc20880776  bt1993-07-27t02.shn
4ca55487d7bb8fff685128e8d13582fa  bt1993-07-27t03.shn
2f8430f722e7f88a8caec433d65dd368  bt1993-07-27t04.shn
834c5dc798615ebc197501dde06e26dd  bt1993-07-27t05.shn
480eb0a77ffe78c24f44a4681b292f3a  bt1993-07-27t06.shn
09e33cf0f1f774593f5d74c32dc40de2  bt1993-07-27t07.shn
670b768241435fbbcf71841ff0910640  bt1993-07-27t08.shn

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