Wetlands, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
{onstage} Schoeps CMC6-MK4V (ORTF, DFC) > Lunatec V2 > Benchmark AD2402-96 @ 24 bit/48kHz > Sony Vaio C1VN (DAARWIN-24) via S/PDIF; Mastering: Sound Forge 5.0; Encoding: WAV > SHN [no DAE]

Textdoc (download)
Steve Kimock Band
Wetlands Preserve
New York City, NY
June 29, 2001

Recording and Mastering by Dan Heend - ccryder@ix.netcom.com

Schoeps CMC6-MK4V ORTF DFC onstage -> 
25 feet AudioMagic Extreme Silver XLR mic cable -> Grace Lunatec V2 -> 
AudioMagic Scepter Silver XLR signal cable -> Benchmark AD2K+ @ 24 bit/48kHz -> 
S/PDIF into DAARWIN-24 laptop (Sony Vaio C1VN Picturebook withDigigram VXPocket, Win2K C.L.E.A.R. build, Sonic Foundry Vegas video 2.0d).

Original 24/48 material broken up into tracks using Sound Forge 5.0, 
dithering and downsampling to 16/44.1 using SF 5.0 with highest quality SRC setting with anti-alias filter, 
and triangular 2-bits peak-to-peak dither with equal loudness contour noise shaping.  
*** These files have not been run through SHNTOOL for FIX or STRIP.  

SHN Encoding by Alan Dorchak - alan_dorchak@yahoo.com (1-25-03):

Original 16/44.1 work was provided to me by Dan as tracked, encoded APE files.
The APE files were decoded to WAV,  then SHNTOOLed with  -fix to resolve the sector boundaries,
and then -strip was applied to canonicalize the headers and strip extraneous chunks from the files.
The resultant WAV files were first renamed then encoded to SHN with seek tables appended via MKW.
Dan's original info file was edited to sharpen the content pertinent for this SHN seed and for the sake of brevity.

Setlist & Tracking:

Set 1

d1t01 Wetlands Ambience & Tuning
d1t02 Better Get Hit In Your Soul
d1t03 Rocco
d1t04 Baby, Baby
d2t01 Why Can't We All Just Samba?
d2t02 Five B/4 Funk

Set 2

d2t03 Wetlands Ambience & Tuning
d2t04 Long Form Part 1
d2t05 Freeze Frame
d3t01 Moon People
d3t02 Elmer's Revenge
d3t03 In Reply > 
d3t04 Avalon


Steve Kimock - guitars
Rodney Holmes - drums
Mitch Stein - more guitar
Bobby Vega - fender bass

Additional comments from Dan:

This is one of the best 2 track recordings I have ever done; incredible separation, yet it is still a natural sounding soundstage.  
Steve on the left, Rodney a tiny bit left of center, Mitch on the right, with Bobby sandwiched between Rodney and Mitch.  
This was the only true ORTF rig onstage, everything else was either XY or some kind of weird more distant split.  
This was the only 24-bit recording in the room... ;-D

One last remark from Alan:  Dan -- YOU ROCK !

shntool len *.wav results:

    length     expanded size   cdr  WAVE  probs   filename
     1:52.47      19867388     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d1t01.wav
    24:50.26     262897196     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d1t02.wav
     5:54.04      62455052     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d1t03.wav
    24:57.19     264115532     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d1t04.wav
    23:14.60     246042764     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d2t01.wav
    16:39.49     176338892     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d2t02.wav
     1:41.03      17823500     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d2t03.wav
    20:22.27     215624348     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d2t04.wav
     7:37.72      80784188     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d2t05.wav
    11:06.64     117632972     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d3t01.wav
    12:37.06     133548956     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d3t02.wav
    12:07.57     128376908     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d3t03.wav
    17:42.70     187501484     ---   --    ---    skb2001-06-29d3t04.wav
   180:44.54    1913009180 B                      (totals for 13 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:15:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:15:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

All (download)
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