Club Melk Weg, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Summary (download all files)
flac16; Matrix 2 Source Mix - SBD (shnid = 110351) Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/TDK SA-C90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Adobe Audition v3.0 -> Samplitude Professional v11.1 -> FLAC/16; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller + AUD (shnid = 125774) AUD: 2x Beyer M-88 > Sony TC-D5, set up on rail of the mezzanine. Transfer: MAC > Sony TC-KA3ES > Sound Devices USB Pre-2 > WAV 2496. Edits: WAV 2496 > Wavelab > R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. Concert recording & transfer by Richie Stankiewicz, edits by Andrew F. 09/2013. - matrix mixing by Kevin Tobin

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
October 16, 1981
Amsterdam, Netherlands

SBD + AUD Matrix 2 Source Mix (44/16)

Set 1:
01 - On the Road Again
02 - Dire Wolf
03 - Monkey & the Engineer
04 - Bird Song
05 - Cassidy
06 - Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie
07 - The Race Is On
08 - Ripple

Set 2:
09 - Playing in the Band ->
10 - Hully Gully ->
11 - The Wheel ->
12 - Samson & Delilah
13 - Gloria ->
14 - Turn On Your Lovelight ->
15 - Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad ->
16 - Playing in the Band ->
17 - Black Peter ->
18 - Sugar Magnolia

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Brent Mydland - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

OOPS Concert #2, replaced cancelled Frejus France gig, GD played on rented gear.

Audio Information:
Original  SBD (shnid = 110351)

Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/TDK SA-C90)

Transfer Info:
Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) ->
Adobe Audition v3.0 -> Samplitude Professional v11.1 -> FLAC/16
(2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)

All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
October 16, 2010

Patch Info:
Sennheiser Mics -> Cassette Master (shnid=25938) supplies:
d2t01 - Tuning (complete track)
d2t02 - Playing In The Band (0:00 - 1:46)

-- Set 1 is acoustic
-- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction

Original  AUD (shnid = 125774)
AUD: 2x Beyer M-88 > Sony TC-D5, set up on rail of the mezzanine.
Transfer: MAC > Sony TC-KA3ES > Sound Devices USB Pre-2 > WAV 2496.
Edits: WAV 2496 > Wavelab > R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged.
Concert recording & transfer by Richie Stankiewicz, edits by Andrew F. 09/2013.
- Mixed by
- FLAC conversion 28-OCT-2019 - Trader Little Helper
- Tagged 28-OCT-2019 - Tag&Rename
Brokedown House Production

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     4:12.64       44603372 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  01 On The Road Again.wav
     3:29.69       37029932 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  02 Dire Wolf.wav
     2:48.45       29741084 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  03 Monkey And The Engineer.wav
     9:20.39       98875772 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  04 Bird Song.wav
     5:40.43       60077180 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  05 Cassidy.wav
     6:08.73       65086940 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  06 Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie.wav
     3:38.58       38591660 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  07 The Race Is On.wav
     4:27.41       47195276 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  08 Ripple.wav
    10:19.43      109292780 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  09 Playing In The Band.wav
     4:27.49       47214092 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  10 Hully Gully.wav
     5:55.37       62709068 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  11 The Wheel.wav
     7:14.71       76724636 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  12 Samson And Delilah.wav
     7:24.05       78333404 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  13 Gloria.wav
     6:13.23       65851340 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  14 Turn On Your Lovelight.wav
     5:47.34       61290812 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  15 Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad.wav
     3:57.73       41978540 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  16 Playing In The Band.wav
     9:23.33       99390860 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  17 Black Peter.wav
     9:55.33      105035660 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  18 Sugar Magnolia.wav
   110:27.08     1169022408 B                            1.0000  (18 files)

Media Size
720 MB(754974720 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
1.13 GB(1216348160 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Oct 28 2019 10:46:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Oct 30 2019 08:22:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac-md5 (download)
f3029c4080dbb446a336cc10af8f2360 *01 On The Road Again.flac
1ac5fe2c8ecd9ed74b3c462fe2f3e474 *02 Dire Wolf.flac
d51c2fd4cfabd314c14b291e66eca691 *03 Monkey And The Engineer.flac
c62677df0d159744813746b1cef5378e *04 Bird Song.flac
421162fb9a641944c6e8bfb0b3abb675 *05 Cassidy.flac
4c13d998be18f5144615c3e576aa2b49 *06 Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie.flac
7c27231a833f974237542a7b72a30a67 *07 The Race Is On.flac
3c5a70692a8093e164d2761093a45c5e *08 Ripple.flac
41238b836ae37b62e21c91d3d7f8031a *09 Playing In The Band.flac
ceed8dc644a0aec2a6ae657060a64042 *10 Hully Gully.flac
5f2fe9e5f1d432639fa31274a9f4a857 *11 The Wheel.flac
c6fcd9bec5d678a157a89c6fd4a81194 *12 Samson And Delilah.flac
a92c178c7b7a7f3f1f13fd45662fe758 *13 Gloria.flac
8de915b312dd5ceb7a7f0bab74274379 *14 Turn On Your Lovelight.flac
f0df4852500d8255ec5875388303efab *15 Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad.flac
ca7b9fe2b8480f29bfba829d568520f0 *16 Playing In The Band.flac
256e21f22d89165082b695e07bbdd788 *17 Black Peter.flac
bc045965fe099320b0de3da39f7799c0 *18 Sugar Magnolia.flac
ffp (download)
01 On The Road Again.flac:fec0235bbf0f4edefb181dbabb9e0061
02 Dire Wolf.flac:37db63b3bd3f42fa9d6133d0ff6f5a7a
03 Monkey And The Engineer.flac:35d8cfbc6a8ea4357a16add958b3be1c
04 Bird Song.flac:e67f8ed40952026e3575a11608ec7872
05 Cassidy.flac:d127f9fbf636dc2258d89eb7ade2f290
06 Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie.flac:94e537e4ddd61ffdabb3ad78ed28d383
07 The Race Is On.flac:11077d00c7e826e2cb5baf2613f9edd5
08 Ripple.flac:7577b630f3d13758c6de879717afed7c
09 Playing In The Band.flac:6993788e44316265f3264dabd44cc724
10 Hully Gully.flac:29106514f9b665d2714e29b309bd4489
11 The Wheel.flac:1475a378328b37de1d22b70ea500cb56
12 Samson And Delilah.flac:32f5fd2aee7ed11d5fb84236f2ebd616
13 Gloria.flac:217476e2df36bffeb74957385df9bceb
14 Turn On Your Lovelight.flac:8b8eff94a1ad91d32e1768ed835f7541
15 Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad.flac:09f5f0b9c9ac4a41d8edd60792805fbb
16 Playing In The Band.flac:f8bf1119e95647b094205b3e2d1ae0d0
17 Black Peter.flac:94d881194c9e5a5731e8afbdf3ea3d06
18 Sugar Magnolia.flac:8aed2fae13bf7ae7e977e35582efc775

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