The Centrum, Worcester, MA
Summary (download all files)
SBD>MC>DAT>CDR ; Patch Aud Source: MAC>>Sony D-5>CDR>SHN (previous upgraded SHN release) ; Via Andy L. ; Seeded to Etree by T. Wiley
Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead 10/09/84 Centrum Worcester, MA Main Source: SBD>MC>DAT>CDR Patch Aud Source: MAC>>Sony D-5>CDR>SHN (previous upgraded SHN release) Taper: Mike Rice Mics: Nak CM 100 w/ shotgun w/ caps Conversion: EAC(secure)>ADD A WAV>CD Wav>Cool Edit Pro>SHN(seekable) SET 1 CD 1 {63:31.38} 01. Dancin' in the Streets {8:17.47} 02. Friend of the Devil {10:58.09} 03. Me & My Uncle-> {2:59.36} 04. Mexicali Blues {6:58.71} 05. Althea {10:13.63} 06. Brother Esau-> {4:43.24} 07. Big Railroad Blues {6:36.11} 08. Let it Grow {12:44.02} SET 2 CD 2 {55:27.38} 01. Help on the Way-> {3:48.31} 02. Slipknot!-> {8:06.24} 03. Franklin's Tower {10:53.70} 04. Jack Straw {6:06.00} 05. He's Gone-> {12:46.24} 06. Smokestack Lightnin'-> {3:48.41} 07. Drums-> {9:57.73} SET 2 Cont. CD 3 {45:32.28} 01. Space-> {5:56.05} 02. The Wheel-> {5:09.59} 03. Throwing Stones-> {9:16.31} 04. Stella Blue-> {8:41.68} 05. Around & Around-> {3:58.11} 06. Johnny B. Goode {7:23.18} ENCORE 07. Revolution {5:06.61} COMMENTS: I got this SBD on 3 Audio disks w/ editing(patches) already. The Aud I got from FTP in SHN format. All Aud sections used for patching the timing/pitch was corrected. I left all the silent parts inbetween tracks on the SBD to keep the real time of the show. D1t01(Dancin' in the Streets) Pop @ 7:53 both channels removed. D1t02(Friend of the Devil) Digi pop @ 10:27 removed. D1t03(Me & My Uncle) Digi pop @ 1:21 both channels filtered with noise reduction only on the pop. D1t05(Althea) Digi pop right channel @ :18 removed and replace with left channel. D1t07(Big Railroad Blues) Original patch from 2:09-3:25 Deleted and was replaced with cross fades and mixed patch with overlaps for smoother transition in the patch from 2:03-3:30. D2t02(Slipknot!) A funky sound @ 6:32-6:33 is the band not a flaw or if it is a flaw its on the Aud as well. D2t03(Franklin's Tower) Funky sound @ 1:05-1:07 similar to the one on D2t02 is present on both SBD and Aud recordings I left it alone as well. D2t04(Jack Straw) Original patch @ :03-:26 Deleted along with the 4 seconds of silence in the begining of the track, Replaced with new patch from :02-:28 cross fades and overlap was used. I also noticed the original patch made the SBD track time off by 0:06.457 seconds, which was removed. D2t07(Drums) Redundancy present @ :06-:32 removed. D3t03(Throwing Stones) Original patch was from 3:48- removed and replaced with new patch from 3:27- with cross fades and overlap. D3t04(Stella Blue) Original patch was from 0:00-:20 removed, new patch from 0:00-:22 with cross fades and overlap. D3t07(Revolution) Major bummer @ 2:14-5:16 has Master Cassette problems with a constant swirling noise. I left the encore alone as not to take away from the SBD by patching it will the Aud. If the noise is annoying my apologies. I know all this edit work seems like a bunch but the show and recording is really good. Don't let the flaws scare you trust me I put plenty of TLC in this one for all to enjoy!! Conversion/Edits/Seeded to Etree by T. Wiley 01/14/2003. EAC: Secure to extract disks 1 & 3 @ 100% and disk 2 @ 99.9% quality, no reported errors. Add A Wav: To join Disk 2 and 3 together. CD Wav: To select all tracks. Cool Edit Pro: To preform all edits(see comments above). Shntool: To confirm Sector Boundaries. SHN: Via mkwact(seekable) Thanks to Andy L. for the SBD disks and Willy M. for the Aud SHNs. Another Installment Of The Music Mever Stopped Project! ENJOY!!
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
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Created At
Thu Jan 16 2003 05:38:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Sep 26 2009 19:36:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn-md5 (download)
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st5 (download)
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