SHNID 139380 Phish 1995-06-24
The Mann Music Center, Philadelphia, PA
Summary (download all files)
flac16, 48kHz; AKG c460b/ck8's > Sony TCD-D7 > DAT(m); DAT(m) > Tascam DA-P1 > Tascma HD-P2 > Wavbreaker > FLAC; Source and Transfer by John Isham
Textdoc (download)
Phish 1995-06-24 Mann Center For The Performing Arts Philadelpha, PA FLAC1648 e-tree TBD Source: DAUD AKG460/ck8 > Sony D7 > DAT(m) [16/48] Transfer: DAT(m) > Tascam DA-P1 > S/PDIF > Tascam HD-P2 > CF/WAV [16/48] [straight through direct digital] wavbreaker (v0.11), flac/metaflac (v1.3.2) edits noted below "phisham-003" release 2017-09 recorded and transferred by "phisham" John Isham <> [formerly - now defunct] Set 1: (71:52) 01: Fee > Rift (11:19) 02: Spock's Brain (5:34) 03: Julius (10:00) [1] 04: Glide (4:35) 05: Mound (6:03) 06: Stash (16:00) 07: The Horse > Silent in the Morning (7:06) 08: The Squirming Coil (11:15) Set 2: (86:02) 01: Also Sprach Zarathustra > Halley's Comet (9:37) 02: David Bowie (25:32) 03: Lifeboy (8:31) 04: Suzy Greenberg (7:06) 05: Harry Hood (15:27) 06: Acoustic Army (5:49) 07: Sweet Adeline (2:26) 08: Golgi Apparatus (4:55) Encore: [Encore break cut] 09: Bold As Love (6:39) Notes: Nice Stash, great Bowie. [from ] Trey sang the verses of Fee through a megaphone. Suzy contained a Lifeboy tease from Trey. After Acoustic Army, Trey thanked the crowd for being so quiet. The band then proceeded to don surgical masks for Adeline. The masks were provided by a fan in the front – Trey thanked him for the “hats.†The encore was preceded by Random Note and Simpsons signals. Edits: [1] Julius 7:41-7:43 dropouts fixed by using Audacity (v2.1.3) to copy from an earlier archived (but converted) transfer of this master: DAT(m) > Tascam DA-20 > S/PDIF > Zafiro ZA-2 (48->44.1) > WAV > CDR CDR > cdparanoia > WAV > sox [rate -v 48000] (44.1->48, no dither) audacity used to patch in 7m41+24357s to 7m43+09683s, no dither cdparanoia III release 10.2 (September 11, 2008) sox v14.4.1 FLAC Fingerprints: ph1995-06-24s1t01.flac:415b810b824a1624f856243abda08ba9 ph1995-06-24s1t02.flac:77f422cf80af121bc0b06592606dad64 ph1995-06-24s1t03.flac:d1b81d75621faffe314c80643758fb9d ph1995-06-24s1t04.flac:36c44c484f180a6dc68e46c4e91c4e5b ph1995-06-24s1t05.flac:80f0a08a34869a8c6f5d3314816d3865 ph1995-06-24s1t06.flac:af3e6a840bede68606f437f445a7426d ph1995-06-24s1t07.flac:0dfb110f7911ad2ea82069944c67cfec ph1995-06-24s1t08.flac:cbf16929c729ad4d112b7af553f97ec8 ph1995-06-24s2t01.flac:3071729353fcb6bf38511ed21f13b12e ph1995-06-24s2t02.flac:51d8831f37a22c9d936b58f61dbdecda ph1995-06-24s2t03.flac:058e2e0c3a5a71c6525ba53379196a03 ph1995-06-24s2t04.flac:d58efb128a4450740c06a80a2ad44183 ph1995-06-24s2t05.flac:0ef7d41f0d35d9e2ab4325e8c0aa6f97 ph1995-06-24s2t06.flac:ddac03b52c6f3d522320991371241414 ph1995-06-24s2t07.flac:b717d7c4f2497fb3d8ede0c4ecd8008e ph1995-06-24s2t08.flac:9ba40c091bc1addc4717d7869b167b18 ph1995-06-24s2t09.flac:fc80403b6d1c65fc9cdcb3752992b559
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
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Created At
Fri Sep 22 2017 14:19:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Oct 06 2017 09:26:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
FFP (download)
ph1995-06-24s1t01.flac:415b810b824a1624f856243abda08ba9 ph1995-06-24s1t02.flac:77f422cf80af121bc0b06592606dad64 ph1995-06-24s1t03.flac:d1b81d75621faffe314c80643758fb9d ph1995-06-24s1t04.flac:36c44c484f180a6dc68e46c4e91c4e5b ph1995-06-24s1t05.flac:80f0a08a34869a8c6f5d3314816d3865 ph1995-06-24s1t06.flac:af3e6a840bede68606f437f445a7426d ph1995-06-24s1t07.flac:0dfb110f7911ad2ea82069944c67cfec ph1995-06-24s1t08.flac:cbf16929c729ad4d112b7af553f97ec8 ph1995-06-24s2t01.flac:3071729353fcb6bf38511ed21f13b12e ph1995-06-24s2t02.flac:51d8831f37a22c9d936b58f61dbdecda ph1995-06-24s2t03.flac:058e2e0c3a5a71c6525ba53379196a03 ph1995-06-24s2t04.flac:d58efb128a4450740c06a80a2ad44183 ph1995-06-24s2t05.flac:0ef7d41f0d35d9e2ab4325e8c0aa6f97 ph1995-06-24s2t06.flac:ddac03b52c6f3d522320991371241414 ph1995-06-24s2t07.flac:b717d7c4f2497fb3d8ede0c4ecd8008e ph1995-06-24s2t08.flac:9ba40c091bc1addc4717d7869b167b18 ph1995-06-24s2t09.flac:fc80403b6d1c65fc9cdcb3752992b559
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