SHNID 13767 Phish 1988-05-14
Springfest at Goddard College, Plainfield, VT
Summary (download all files)
SBD > Page's Cass/0 > Cass1 (metal) >
Philips 870 Standalone CDR > CDR > EAC > Soundforge XP 4.5 > mkwACT > SHN; Seed and original CDR transfer by Andrew Nemiccolo; Fixes and SHN Conversion by Brendan Komala
Philips 870 Standalone CDR > CDR > EAC > Soundforge XP 4.5 > mkwACT > SHN; Seed and original CDR transfer by Andrew Nemiccolo; Fixes and SHN Conversion by Brendan Komala
Textdoc (download)
ph88-05-14.txt Phish 05-14-88 Springfest @ Goddard College - Plainfield, VT Source: SBD > Page McConnell?s analog master > Cass1 (metal) > Philips 870 Stand alone CD Recorder > CDR > EAC > Soundforge XP 4.5 > mkwACT > SHN Seed and original CDR transfer by Andrew Nemiccolo Fixes and encoding to SHN by Brendan Komala ( --------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc 1: (62:37) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire (04:40) 2. I Didn?t Know* (05:00) 3. Halley?s Comet* (06:31) 4. Light Up or Leave Me Alone (06:23) 5. You Enjoy Myself (17:29) 6. Lizards (cut) (07:10) 7. Lizards (continued) (02:00) 8. Big Black Furry Creature From Mars (03:48) 9. Jesus Left Chicago^ (09:36) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc 2: (31:01) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fluffhead (16:13) 2. Alumni Blues (05:18) 3. Take the A-Train% (09:30) *with Nancy on vocals ^with ?Bobby Brown? (Tim Rogers) on harmonica %with Carl Boyle on saxophone Notes: -Tape Flips d1t06 - decided not to attempt splicing tracks together since music was lost on the master and could not smooth the connection to my liking. Decided this was a better route.
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Created At
Fri Dec 13 2002 15:08:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 11 2017 18:15:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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st5 (download)
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