SHNID 13690 Guster 1999-12-11
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Summary (download all files)
Master: MG SMS 2000/200>Oade M148>SBM-1>D7
Conversion: Archive Python DDS/vdat > .wav
by Bill Lakenan []
by Jeffrey Hyder []
Conversion: Archive Python DDS/vdat > .wav
by Bill Lakenan []
by Jeffrey Hyder []
Textdoc (download)
Guster December 11, 1999 Villanova Room - Villanova Univ. Villanova, PA Source: DAud [Microtech Geffell SMS2000/200 (cards) -> Oade M148 -> Sony SBM1 -> Sony D7) Location: At Soundboard, XY90 @ 10 ft Taper: Bill Lakenan <> Conversion: Archive Python DDS/vdat > .wav (Direct DAT extraction, no soundcard) Converted by: Bill Lakenan <> Tracks Split by: Jeffrey Hyder <> using CDWAV SHN: MKW Audio Compression Tool (NO DAE) **************************************************************** THIS SHOW IS NOT TO BE MP3-ENCODED **************************************************************** Note: The last song was performed completely acoustic without amplification. Guster had a friend shout "Free Bird" then proceeded to smash their guitars. This should explain the strange sounds and wild swings in levels during the last song. Disc 1: Intro Barrel Of A Gun Rocketship I Spy Airport Song >Love For Me riff >Airport Song All The Way Up To Heaven What You Wish For Window > Happy Frappy riff* Either Way Bury Me** "I Want To Know What Love Is" (Foreigner) tease > X-Ray Eyes Disc 2: Center Of Attention Like A Prayer^ Demons Fa Fa Parachute Happier Great Escape E: Silent Night^^ Scars And Stitches Two Points For Honesty > Freebird Rage^^^ Mona Lisa^^^ Comment: Opener: Bloo. * after the song, Ryan pointed out a very tall kid in the audience and brought him up on stage, then asked everyone who was over 6'5" to come up on stage, but no one else did. ** they were so impressed with the "doot-doot" part that they did it twice, then Ryan messed up the lyrics, so they did the "doot-doot" part a third time. ^ Ryan read an email requesting they play this. ^^ with Pasty on electric mandolin. ^^^ their first attempt to do this acoustic failed, as some guy yelled "Freebird!" really loud; Ryan appeared to get pissed, mouthing "Shut the f*ck up", smashed his guitar, then revealed that the whole thing was staged; Ryan then got a new guitar and they played the song acoustic.
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Created At
Wed Dec 11 2002 16:55:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Dec 11 2002 16:55:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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