Cafe Addis, New York, NY
Textdoc (download)
****************************************************************** A lot of work was put into this one...hope y'all like it!! Cheers!! ****************************************************************** Jerry Joseph 2/19/10 - Cafe Addis, NYC Disc 1: ---Set 1- 1. tuning> 2. War At the End Of the World> 3. Frost Heaves 4. Election Day> 5. Milk> 6. Montana 7. Beheading Of St.John the Baptist Day> 8. If I Should Fall From Grace With God 9. Cloud Eyes 10. Belmont Radiator 11. Pure Life> ++ 12. Ray Of Heaven # Disc 2: ---Set 2- 1. tuning> 2. New Psychology Of Love $ 3. Tanker 4. My Little Tiger 5. Poison> @ 6. Hey Mancha @ 7. Both Of You @[][] 8. Missed the Boat @** 9. Furr @** ++=w/ "don't let me down" beginning #=w/ "lucretia my reflection>brown sugar>lucretia my reflection>enemy of the enemy>brown sugar>black dog>enemy of the enemy" raps & "she drives me crazy" ending $=w/ "Before They Make Me Run" & "come & get your love>beast of burden>across 110th st" raps [][]=w/ "Let It Grow" Jerry Joseph - guitar, vox @=w/ Craig Greenberg - keys, vox **=w/ Bret Mosley - dobro, vox schoeps cmc62(omni, stage) + SBD>SD 744t>firewire>WAV> Sound Forge 10.0(PD&Norm, Bal.[sbd], reverb[sbd], Mix)>CDR foh sound, recorded, mixed & mast/remastered by Bill Mulvey--MMW-Ribot
Media Size
736.53 MB(772309566 bytes)
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Created At
Wed Jul 06 2016 21:29:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jul 06 2016 23:05:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
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