SHNID 1345 Phish 2000-07-14
Polaris Amphitheatre, Columbus, OH

Summary (download all files)
Schoeps CCM4v > Lunatec V2 > SBM-1 > D8; Taper: Kevin Hughes; Seeded By: Levi Hunt; EAC and Conversion: Dan Goodman; missing single-song first "set" (see info file); note corrected mic info from orig info file

Textdoc (download)
Polaris Amphitheater - Columbus, Ohio

Source: Schoeps CCM4v > Lunatec V2 > SBM-1 > D8; [note corrected mic info]
Taper: Kevin Hughes
Seeded By: Levi Hunt
EAC and Conversion: Dan Goodman

EAC logs included in folders

The Show is missing the first "set", Which was only Sample in a Jar. The band was cut off after this song until the rain let up. Having Been at the show, it is unlikely that anyone's tapes of Sample in a Jar will be worth anything, cause at that time, it was raining and thundering so hard that you could barely make out what was being played.

Track Listing

Set 1
Sample in a Jar (Missing)

Disc 1
Set 2
1. Punch You in the Eye		 7:56
2. Timber Ho!			 8:03
3. Gotta Jiboo			 9:43
4. Boogie on Reggae Woman	 5:51
5. Stash			13:15
6. Bouncing Around the Room	 4:05
7. Foam				10:20
8. Dog Faced Boy		 2:54
9. Farmhouse			 5:10

Disc 2
1. Taste			10:31
2. Golgi Apparatus		 4:40

Set 2
3. Mike's Song			17:00
4. Frankie Says			 5:31
5. David Bowie			13:59
6. Waste			 7:27

Disk 3
1. Sand				15:58
2. Lizards			11:14
3. Weekapaug Groove		 8:16

4. The Inlaw Josie Wales	 3:19
5. Driver			 3:43
6. Guyute			10:49

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Aug 25 2000 06:45:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jan 15 2018 09:24:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

shn-md5 (download)
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