Pine Knob Music Theater, Clarkston, MI

Summary (download all files)
Source: DAUD

Conversion: Tascam da20 > Emagic Audiowerk2
Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
Louie Rendek

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
June 22, 1996
Pine Knob Amphitheatre
Clarkston, Michigan

Source:		DAUD

Conversion:	Tascam da20 > Emagic Audiowerk2
		Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
		Louie Rendek <>

Disc One:  

01:		Intro				-	01:44.12
02:		Best Of What's Around		-	06:37.27
03:		#41				-	07:29.67
04:		Two Step ->			-	07:25.59
05:		Crash Into Me			-	07:57.59
06:		Lie In Our Graves		-	07:08.09
07:		Dancing Nancies ->		-	09:22.02
08:		Toy Soldiers ->			-	03:34.30
09:		Warehouse			-	09:04.53
10:		Too Much			-	05:34.59

Total:						-	65:59.02

Disc Two:  

01:		Pay For What You Get &		-	06:06.55
02:		So Much To Say			-	05:14.06
03:		Jimi Thing			-	14:05.73
04:		Rhyme And Reason		-	07:36.26
05:		Satellite ->			-	04:52.74
06:		Ants Marching			-	08:20.16
07:		E:  Drive In Drive Out #	-	08:35.42
08:		E:  All Along The Watchtower %	-	11:54.24

Total:						-	66:46.12

&	Norwegian Wood tease.
#	with Leon Mobly on percussion.
%	with Leon Mobly on percussion and Ben Harper on guitar/vocals.

*	0:41 into BOWA there is a crackling sound for 5 seconds.
	It could very well be a PA issue, I don't know.
*	At 5:03 and 5:05 in Nancies, there are some strange noises.
*	There is a strange noise at 1:42, 1:51, 1:57, 2:44 ,2:47
	and several other spots in SMTS.  Kinda sounds like
	feedback problems or fireworks.
*	There are a few more random bursts/fireworks in Satellite.
*	There are some strange fluctucations in the sound in Ants.
*	The encore break was cut so a crossfade was inserted.

*  compiled by Louie Rendek <> on October 30, 2002.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Nov 24 2002 13:03:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Nov 24 2002 13:03:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

dmb1996-06-22d1.md5 (download)
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dmb1996-06-22d2.md5 (download)
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