Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, GA

Summary (download all files)
Source: AKG 461
Conversion: DA-20>ZA2

Textdoc (download)
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
Variety Playhouse
Atlanta, GA
with guest Oteil Burbridge during encore

Source: AKG 461
Conversion: DA-20>ZA2

disc 1: (60:52)
1. Funk E (7:05)
2. Paradis guitar E (7:43)
3. Cheeseballs in Cowtown (6:42) (with intros)
4. Commonality (17:11)
5. Almost 12 (3:21)
6. Vic Wooten solo (Norwegian Wood) (8:42)
7. Stomping Grounds (w/rotation jam) (10:08)

disc 2: (68:58)
1. Future Man solo (8:01)
2. Big Country (6:57)
3. Paradis guitar Em (8:30)
4. The Big Blink (16:35)
5. And Why Not (14:32)
6. Bela solo > Who's Got Three(14:23)

E: Sinister Minster (Otiel Burbidge) (26:22)
3 discs
2hrs 36 min

-Casey Bohl <>
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Aug 21 2000 03:40:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Aug 21 2000 03:40:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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d3 (download)
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