North Star Bar, Philadelphia, PA

Summary (download all files)
Microtech Gefell m200 (XY @ 110?, 4' high, 5' from stage) >
EAA PSP-2 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony D8

Sony D8 > Echo Audio Gina 24 > Cool Edit Pro > CDWav > mkwACT(shn)

Textdoc (download)
Mike Clark
North Star Bar - Philadelphia, PA
June 4, 2002

Mike Clark   - drums
Fareed Haque - guitar
Reed Mathis  - bass
Brian Haas   - keyboards

Microtech Gefell m200 (XY @ 110?, 4' high, 5' from stage) >
EAA PSP-2 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony D8

Sony D8 > Echo Audio Gina 24 > Cool Edit Pro > CDWav > mkwACT(shn)

DISC ONE:                  [69:39]   
01. Intro                  [00:55]
02. Is There A Jackson In         
    The House?             [16:21]
03. Four String Drive      [17:44]
04. Epistrophy             [11:36]
05. -- ? -- *              [23:02]
DISC TWO:                  [37:45]
01. -- ? -- *              [14:51]
02. -- ? -- *              [22:53]

* with Bobby Zeichel - on saxophone

-North Star's stage was small and the drums were set pretty far
up front so I did not want to set up right on stage for fear of
the drums dominating the mix.  I wound up setting the mics on a
stand about 4.5 feet high and about 5 feet from the stage.

Taped and transferred by Steve DeAngelis <>
Compiled 06/05/2002
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Nov 15 2002 03:36:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Nov 15 2002 03:36:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
913034db57eb893fd5983ad995db6a88 *mikeclark2002-06-04d1t01.shn
e0824624702e0b8adc9045ed98a901ba *mikeclark2002-06-04d1t02.shn
4413135a2a2855e92ba1de496eb26e28 *mikeclark2002-06-04d1t03.shn
a97507b4488408860860585b6cdce420 *mikeclark2002-06-04d1t04.shn
624c5055dc2c61dec7392422b1062548 *mikeclark2002-06-04d1t05.shn

d2 (download)
92715040053eb355ad8bcd2b1d6b951e *mikeclark2002-06-04d2t01.shn
33c6fb154ffbdd71ae7e0739f3396b2e *mikeclark2002-06-04d2t02.shn

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