SHNID 130353 Garcia 1983-05-25
Shea's Auditorium, Buffalo, NY

Summary (download all files)
JGB; flac2448; 3rd gen aud (Maxell XLII90, no Dolby) > Nakamichi BX-300 playback (no Dolby) > Pyle Pro cables > WaveTerminal 2496 > Samplitude 10.1 Download Version (record @ 24 bits/48kHz) > CDWave 1.9.8 (tracking) > Adobe Audition 3.0 (cross-fades, etc.) > Traders Little Helper 2.4.1 (FLAC encoding, level 8) (flac2448).

Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band
Shea's Theatre
646 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14202
May 25, 1983 (Wednesday), 8 PM
85 min CC aud

--Set I (5 tracks, 38:13)--
s1t01. ... How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) [#7:49] [0:34] %
s1t02. They Love Each Other [8:08] [0:24] % [0:18]
s1t03. That's What Love Will Make You Do [8:52] [0:07] %
s1t04. Mississippi// Moon [7:#21] ->
s1t05. Run For The Roses [4:41]

--Set II (5 tracks, 46:43)--
s2t01. crowd [0:05]
s2t02. The Harder They Come [13:06] ->
s2t03. Dear Prudence [12:38] [0:03] %
s2t04. Russian Lullaby// [13:48#]
s2t05. /Tangled Up In Blue// [#7:03#]
[MISSING --encore-- Midnight Moonlight]

! ACT1: Jerry Garcia Band #15b
! Lineup: Jerry Garcia - el-g, vocals;
! Lineup: John Kahn - el-bass;
! Lineup: Melvin Seals - keyboards (Hammond B-3 organ);
! Lineup: Greg Errico - drums;
! Lineup: Jaclyn LaBranch - vocals;
! Lineup: DeeDee Dickerson - vocals.

! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; ... = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [ ] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the "real" time of the event. So, a timing of [x:xx] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.
! TJS:
! db: none as of 12/21/2012.
! venue:
! map:
! band: JGB #15b (
! R: 3rd gen aud (Maxell XLII90, no Dolby) > Nakamichi BX-300 playback (no Dolby) > Pyle Pro cables > WaveTerminal 2496 > Samplitude 10.1 Download Version (record @ 24 bits/48kHz) > CDWave 1.9.8 (tracking) > Adobe Audition 3.0 (cross-fades, etc.) > Traders Little Helper 2.4.1 (FLAC encoding, level 8) (flac2448).
! R: This is not a terrible tape, but it's also not surprising that it never made the jump to digital. It's hacked up.
! P: Not sure there's anything noteworthy here, beyond the almost-true segue from HTC to Dear Prudence to start the second set.
! R: s1t01 HSII fades in, very little missing
! R: s1t01 HSII around 7:10 track R channel goes out for the rest of the song. --patch L channel?
! R: s1t01 taper talk after HSII
! R: s1t02 TLEO about 42 seconds in, R channel returns --end patch?
! song: "That's What Love Will Make You Do" (s1t03): It strikes me here how much TWLWYD reminds me of the JGB version of "Get Out Of My Life, Woman". They'd start playing that song July 28, 1984.
! Venue: The ticket stub says "Shea's Theatre" over "Buffalo, New York". Since that's contemporary, I prefer that to Shea's Buffalo Theatre from Address is 646 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14202.
! R: s1t04 Mississippi Moon cut @ ca. 5:12
! R: s2t01 HTC clips in, missing very little, a few beats of the drum intro.
! P: s2t01-s2t02 true segue from HTC to Dear Prudence, very uncommon.
! venue: "Those who take the tour will view the elegant theatre with its elaborate architecture and interior decor as well as its on-going restoration. Designed by architects C.W. and George L. Rapp, this building boasts interior designed by Tiffany Studios featuring a Neo-Spanish Baroque design and is modeled after a European opera house. It originally opened in 1926 as a movie house under the direction of Mr. Michael Shea. Since then, the theatre continues to be maintained and restored to its original grandeur. 'Shea’s is one of the architectural treasures of the region,' said Director of Marketing & Public Relations Lisa Grisanti. “We want our community to learn and experience more about this beautiful structure, its rich history, and its on-going restoration efforts.” The theatre was built by the Rapp Brothers of Chicago and is one of only several theatres still existing that was built by these theatre architects." --
! disclaimer:  This is part of a "Closet Call" project aimed at making missing Garcia dates available for study. These are "warts and all" ... straight transfers of the source cassettes with editing only of the most offensive tape transitions and such. If you don't like hiss, possible speed problems, etc., etc., then move along. And, to anticipate a FAQ: no, I don't plan on doing 16/44s of these. Thanks to wk for supplying these tapes!

! URL:

Media Size
1 GB(1075804292 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jun 16 2014 11:41:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jun 16 2014 11:42:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

jg1983-05-25.jgb.all-1.aud-CC.130353.flac2448.ffp (download)
jg1983-05-25.jgb.all-1.aud-CC.130353.flac2448.st5 (download)
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0be4c39501444b45713da8f40110bbcb  [shntool]  jg1983-05-25-s1t03.flac
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e58f9d83420f05afde5ee39467de4a2e  [shntool]  jg1983-05-25-s2t02.flac
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ff29606b66209838ca191fd3dcf7d943  [shntool]  jg1983-05-25-s2t04.flac
1094def527ddcfb27544ccd80f53ea8c  [shntool]  jg1983-05-25-s2t05.flac

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