Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA

Summary (download all files)
flac16; Source: Nakamichi CM-300 CP-4 Shotgun Capsules > Sony WM-D6C (XLIIS); XLIIS Master Transferred: Sony TC-D5M > HHb CDR 800 PRO Via Analog i/o > CD Masters > FLAC (Level 8) Via xACT 2.25; Location: OTS, Section 202, Row H, Seat #5; Recorded/Transferred By: Jeff Bowen

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View, CA
September 29, 1989

Source:  Nakamichi CM-300 CP-4 Shotgun Capsules > Sony WM-D6C (XLIIS)
XLIIS Master Transferred:  Sony TC-D5M > HHb CDR 800 PRO Via Analog i/o > CD Masters > FLAC
(Level 8) Via xACT 2.25
Location:  OTS, Section 202, Row H, Seat #5
Recorded/Transferred By:  Jeff Bowen

Set I
01 Tuning >
02 Let The Good Times Roll
03 Feel Like A Stranger
04 Franklin's Tower
05 Wang Dang Doodle
06 Jack A Roe
07 Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
08 We Can Run But We Can't Hide
09 Bird Song
10 Promised Land
Set II
11 Tuning >
12 China Cat Sunflower >
13 I Know You Rider
14 Blow Away
15 Tuning/Equipment Problem Break
16 Playin' In The Band >
17 Terrapin Station >
18 Drums (tape flip) >
19 Drums >
20 Space >
21 I Need A Miracle >
22 Death Don't Have No Mercy >
23 Sugar Magnolia
24 The Mighty Quinn

Last 'Death Don't Have No Mercy' 3/21/70 Early [1334]

Tapers Notes:
I remember THIS weekend well.  Saturday’s show recording went pretty well.  I was stunned to hear
the first notes of ‘Death Don’t Have No Mercy’ in the second set.  I remember thinking that the
opening notes sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place them at first.  I got a chill when I
realized that it was in fact the song that I thought it was.  The crowd went nuts, seeing how it
was going to be the first time this song had been played in 19 years!  Jerry’s vocals were so
chilling, and Brent’s vocals were amazing.  I miss both of them so much.  Fortunately this show’s
recordings still sound decent, in comparison to my master from 9/30/89.  Sunday was an adventure.
We started off recording Weir & Wasserman open for the Jefferson Airplane reunion (including a Hot
Tuna set sandwiched midway through the set) at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco in the afternoon,
and then had to book it down to Shoreline to tape the Dead show that evening.  Of course we were
late, because of Bay Area traffic.  The parking lots at Shoreline were nuts if you weren't there
early, and we got stuck having to park in the back lot near the Christmas tree farm, which is like
the ’lot from Hell’.  We ran to the amphitheatre carrying all of the recording equipment with the
rest of the stragglers and my ex-wife turned to me and said as we were running, 'And now for the
100 yard dash for late tapers division!'  Funny.  We got into the reserved section just as the
house lights dropped and the band came on stage.  The other tapers didn't seem too happy to let us
in after they were already set up and I really didn't blame them.  Luckily I had my Mini Mag light
to help find our seats.  We had to sit through the first set and then set up the recording
equipment during the set break.  (I was borrowing a set of Nakamichi CM-300s from a friend for
this weekend’s shows.  I was hesitant to take them into Golden Gate Park for the Airplane show
because I didn’t know if taping would be allowed.  It was, and I had ‘played it safe’ and left
them locked up back in Oakland and had to use my Aiwa CM-30 for the SF gig.  (I ran the same
Nakamichi CM-300s with CP-4 shotgun capsules, but for some reason I used another friend’s Marantz
PMD-430 to record the Sunday Dead second set instead of my D6, but I don’t remember why that
master has not aged well, suffering print through, and is not worthy of a transfer.)  Included in
the torrent is a scan of three of my Dead ticket stubs, with 9/29/89 on the top.

Media Size
850.92 MB(892252938 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Mar 21 2014 10:54:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Mar 24 2014 20:23:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
flac-md5 (download)
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