SHNID 127146 Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20
Stanser Musiktage, Kollegium St. Fidelis, Stans, Switzerland
Summary (download all files)
mp2; Radio DRS2, Hotbird DVB MP2 @ 256kbps/48kHz; Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-4400-HD internal card > MPEG TS Video > Total Video Converter > MP2 256kbps/48kHz > MP3DirectCut edits; via DIME
Textdoc (download)
Medeski Martin & Wood Stans Kollegium St. Fidelis (Stanser Musiktage) 20 April 2012 01 - intro (0:18) 02 - improv 1 (40:11) 03 - improv 2 (15:45) 04 - improv 3 (13:23) 05 - band introductions (0:35) 06 - improv 4 (4:50) 07 - outro (1:10) Running Time - 76:13 minutes John Medeski - keyboards Billy Martin - drums Chris Wood - bass Radio DRS2 Hotbird DVB MP2 @ 256kbps/48kHz 20 April 2012 Lineage: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-4400-HD internal card > MPEG TS Video > Total Video Converter > MP2 256kbps/48kHz > MP3DirectCut edits This is a digital satellite radio broadcast, captured on an internal TV card. Hauppauge records DVB in MPEG TS video format. I have used TVC to extract the MP2 audio track, retaining the original audio broadcast codec. MP3 Direct Cut was used to edit the complete broadcast into tracks. Notes: This was a live broadcast of the performance. MM&W were scheduled to begin at 22:30, but the performance appears to have begun nearer to 22:45 and the broadcast terminated at midnight. The last piece of music was cut short, as the band played on, with the radio presenter doing his outro at the close of the broadcast. I have quite a few MM&W and MSM&W albums, but I can't even begin to generate a set-list for this apparently improvised performance. There are no announcements to help, so I only created track breaks when the band stopped. I welcome any thoughts others may have. Medeski Martin Wood Chris Wood (Gitarre, Bass) John Medeski (Piano, Orgel) Billy Martin (Schlagzeug) Kaum ein Musikfan, der sich der Energie dieses Trios entziehen kann: Medeski Martin & Wood aus New York spielen und touren seit 20 Jahren. Die drei Instrumentalisten waren mit ihrer Musik von allem Anfang an zwischen den St¸hlen. Gestartet in der klassischen Piano-Jazz Besetzung, absorbierten MM&W sehr schnell auch Einfl¸sse von Rock, Funk und Elektronik. Nicht zuletzt haben alle drei Musiker die Improvisationslust im Blut. Das h‰lt ihre St¸cke frisch und knackig. F¸r MM &W kˆnnen sich Indie-Rock-Fans, Jam-Band-Liebhaber und Jazz-Afficionados begeistern. Das Trio holt sie alle ab. Ihre jazzige Groove-Musik braucht nicht lange Erkl‰rungen. Sie reisst mit. Freitag 20. April 22:30 Uhr Nicht nummerierte Sitzpl‰tze zu 38.- Kollegium St. Fidelis
Media Size
139.56 MB(146343746 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
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Created At
Fri Feb 21 2014 20:13:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Mar 05 2014 20:26:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
mp2-md5 (download)
ac0eac11b168cd8ea50e0f07e9e8f265 *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t01.mp2 d0615ba01c72c89ba57a0b23b3111ac6 *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t02.mp2 f6f9cf09cdeeaed53214ff062132cba9 *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t03.mp2 eb8e53d765b2692a76db4177deccfe10 *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t04.mp2 ae009031ef1bd32e41f69c5c51ac9f7d *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t05.mp2 bd53e3041c1fb9dacb10c23bb05fc999 *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t06.mp2 8e2df77a65bddfbe0cafc49e5bc1b934 *Medeski Martin & Wood 2012-04-20 t07.mp2
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